雅思阅读目的题的题型特征分析修辞目的题,听这名字挺高大上的,像是语言学专业词汇,那到底这是一种什么样题型呢 ?
目的题题干特征 : refer to/exemplify ( example ) /mention
目的题解题技巧原理:总 ( 观点 ) - 分 ( 例子 ) - 总 ( 观点 / 前面观点追加 )
因此按照原理,考察作者举例的目的,例子本身不读,看例子的前面一句或后面一句 ( 若前面一句或后面一句非总结信息,则不读 ) 。
雅思阅读目的题应该怎么做 ?
小明玩游戏很在行,他打 Dota 总能把其他同学打的落花流水。
请问:文中作者为什么要提到 " 他打 Dota 总能把其他同学打的落花流水 "?
这题的答案很明显,就是为了证明小明玩游戏很在行。像这样的题,就叫作修辞目的题,说白了就是问你,作者提到某个事例的目的是什么,所以修辞目的题其实并不像它的名字那样高大上,它的实质只是很 low 地问你 " 举这例子是干啥 ?"
The author discusses X in P2 in order to...
Why does the author mention X?
The author uses X as an example of...
Which of the following best describes the relationship between paragraph 2 and paragraph 3?
What function does paragraph 3 serve in the organization of the passage as a whole?
前三种提问方式是问你例子 X 作用是干嘛,通常 X 是一至两句话,
先来看一道例题:Thus the seed ’ s chances of survival are greatly enhanced over those of the naked spore. One type of seed-bearing plant, the angiosperm, includes all forms of blooming vegetation. In the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering. Some of these coats are hard – like the shell of a nut – for extra protection. Some are soft and tempting, like a peach or a cherry. In some angiosperms the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds. These new characteristics offered better ways for the seed to move to new habitats. They could travel through the air, float in water, and lie dormant for many months.
Why does the author mention "a nut", "a peach", and "a cherry"?
To indicate that some seeds are less likely to survive than others
To point out that many angiosperms can be eaten
To provide examples of blooming plants
To illustrate the variety of coverings among angiosperm seeds
Some of these coats are hard – like the shell of a nut – for extra protection. Some are soft and tempting, like a peach or a cherry.
In the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering.
说完这一句,作者再开始举例子说这些外壳都有什么样子的,有硬的,有软的,很明显作者就是想用一些不同外壳的例子来证明被子植物的外壳种类丰富多样,这正是 D 项所说的 To illustrate the variety of coverings among angiosperm seeds,所以这道题的答案就是 D。