残花败柳 [cán hu bài li]
[英译:fallen angels; lost one's chastity] 摧残过的花,衰败中的柳。比喻已失童贞的妇女
残渣余孽 [cán zh yú niè]
[英译:dregs and leftover evils; dross and remnant evils; survivals from the old world] 孽:邪恶的东西。比喻残余的坏人或恶势力
(比喻失势之后重新恢复地位) stage a comeback; bob up like a cork; make a comeback; return to a previous stage; return to power; resume one's former position; regain political power after one has lost it; start from scratch all over again
That fellow bobs up like a cork. 那个人经过患难,东山再起。
[the cat is out of the bag;(指密谋败露) One's criminal conspiracy was unmasked.; be exposed; come to light; disclosure of a crime or plot; The design has taken air.; The story is out.] 源出明朝田汝成《西湖游览志余》:秦桧与妻子东窗下密害岳飞。秦桧死后在地狱受惩罚。其妻设醮,秦桧要道士传言“东窗事发矣!”后以“东窗事发”比喻阴谋或所犯罪行败露。亦说“东窗事犯”
[dilapidated; out of line; falling;reel right and left; dilapidated; fall over like ninepins; lying on all sides; rickety; tottering; tumbling; walk unsteadily; waver east and west]:
rickety furniture; 东倒西歪的家具
dilapidated [tumbled-down] house 东倒西歪的房子(时而倒向这边,时而倒向那边。形容行走时或站或坐时,姿势不稳,身不由己)