1.每日坚持练习,在较短时间内 提升 医务英语口语 语感。
2.语感的提升可以间接 提高口语中的语法。
3. 积累表达,使用到 医务交流或 日常 讨论中,也可以使用到
4.提升发音( 单词发音 、连读失去爆破、重读弱读略读、断句以及断句前的转音与长音)。
5.发音提高会带来 听力的提高 ,同时句中的词汇和表达 也 可以用到写作中。
6.适合 医务人员出国交流,工作学习时使用, 同样适用其他行业者日常交流使用。
步骤1: “___”表示连读略读, 粉色 表示易读错发音。 Two people in China were diagnosedwith the pneumonicplague, sparking fears of an outbreak of the highly contagious and deadly disease among Chinesecitizens. 翻译: 近日两人在北京被确诊为肺炎性鼠疫,引起了群众对于这种高致命疾病爆发和蔓延的恐慌。 Pneumonic plague:肺炎性鼠疫 Outbreak: 爆发 Contagious: 传染性的 Deadly disease: 致命疾病 Chinese citizens: 公民
步骤2: 粗体字重读, "/" 断句, 变音 Two peoplein Chinawere diagnosedwith the pneumonic plague/, sparking fearsof an outbreakof the highly contagiousand deadly disease / among Chinese citizens. 翻译: 近日两人在北京被确诊为肺炎性鼠疫,引起了群众对于这种高致命疾病爆发和蔓延的恐慌。 Pneumonic plague:肺炎性鼠疫 Outbreak: 爆发 Contagious: 传染性的 Deadly disease: 致命疾病 Chinese citizens: 公民

阅读精选: Two people in China were diagnosed with the pneumonic plague, sparking fears of an outbreak of the highly contagious and deadly disease among Chinese citizens. Government officials said that the two cases came from Inner Mongolia, and they are now being treated in a hospital in the Chaoyang District in Beijing, CNN reported. Amid concerns that the two cases could spur the spread of the plague, as it did in the 14th century with the Black Death (黑死病), the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that there is an “extremely low risk” of that happening again. The Chinese CDC said in a statement that they moved the two patients into quarantine and medicated anyone they could have infected, while launching an investigation to find others who may have been exposed to the plague, The Wall Street Journal.