◎您想喝点儿什么 What would you like to drinkWhat would you like to drink (您想喝点儿什么)Well, what do you have (您这儿都有什么)Anything to drink (您喝什么吗)
咖啡。 Coffee, please.
◎要加牛奶和糖吗 With sugar and cream*cream “牛奶”。回答“要”用Yes, please,“不要”用No, thank you.明确地给予回答是一种礼貌。
◎午餐您要牛肉还是要鱼 What would you like for dinner, beef or fish= Beef or fish for dinner= Which would you like, beef or fish
◎请给我牛肉。 Beef, please.
◎您用完了吗 Have you finished= Are you through
◎还没有。 No, not yet.

◎我可以收走了吗 May I clear the table*clear 有“收拾餐具”的意思。= May I clear the plates off the table
◎请您收拾一下桌子吧。 Clear the table, please.Clear the table, please. (请您收拾一下桌子吧。)Yes, sir. (好的。)
◎您能给我杯水吗 Can I have some water
◎能给我点儿喝的吗 Can I have something to drink
◎请给我一条毯子。 A blanket, please.
◎我觉得冷/热。 I feel cold/hot.I feel cold. (我觉得冷。)I'll turn on the heater.(我去把空调打开。)
◎我觉得恶心。 I feel sick.= I'm not feeling well.
◎能给我点儿药吗 Can I have some medicine
◎您能告诉我怎么填这张表吗 Could you tell me how to fill out this form*fill out 是“(在空白的地方)填写”。from是填写用的表格。May I help you (有事吗)Could you tell me how to fill out this form (您能告诉我怎么填这张表吗)= How do I fill out this form (这张表怎么填)= Can you help me with this form (您能帮我填这张表格吗)