1. 通读全文查出不懂的单词(最少读十遍),熟悉所有单词的发音。(重点是熟悉发音,比较难发的我已经用蓝色标注出来了)
PPT把演讲内容的图画下来,声情并茂的演出来。(也可以边讲边画出来,注意一定不能在脑子里是“单词 短语→中文翻译→合成句子→翻译→画面”而是“每个单词或短语的声音=画面 每个单词或短语的声音=画面”最后在大脑中形成一幅完整的画面)
1.一定要注意每个词的“感情” (可以理解为单词的重音),记住每个单词夸张的表情比单词拼读本身更重要。
2. 不要害怕学术名词, 你的单词量无法提升就是因为你排斥练“学术词汇”的发音。
3.如果有单词的发音不熟让你脑中的“画面” 中断,反复练这个部分直到“声画同步”。
4.整个过程练习的次数建议不低于30遍,刚开始会有些慢。坚持下去,你一定可以blurt out(脱口而出)!
To = t
For = f
what= wo
the = 不发音只做口型
But= ba
are = r
and = n

6. 颜色代表的含义
红色 不读
蓝色 连读
橙色 略读
W: Hey Paul! You're an actor, right What do you think about this idea
M: I think it's great!
W: Oh yeah
M: Absolutely! I mean, for the people in town --there's sometimes not a lot going on, not a lot to do. There's not even a movie theater nearby --and if you want to see a professional show --you have to travel. I think the nearest professional theater's like an hour away.
W: Yeah, plus those professional plays can be really expensive. I saw one last semester --and the ticket cost me like $40.
M: Right, so it'll be good for people to have another entertainment option; an opportunity to see live shows --that won't be so expensive.
W: Sure!
M: Plus it would definitely be helpful --for us actors.
W: Yeah
M: Yeah, because on some nights --there's not a lot of people that go; not a lot of people there to watch us, and that can have a bad effect on the show. It might not be as good.
W: Yeah. I can imagine it must be a completely different energy for you --and the other actors if the seats are half empty.
M: Exactly. Like if the show was a comedy --and it's supposed to be funny, in order for it to really seem funny, there needs to be a lot of people there to laugh at the jokes. Otherwise it just doesn't seem as humorous. Having a crowd there --laughing at the jokes really helps the show along; helps it to be good.
W: That makes sense. So this proposal would help that.
M: Yeah, help make it more likely --that there'd be a full house; a lot of people watching.