tissue 纸巾
one is the stuff that makes the human body (人体)组织
other one we clean our face and other parts of the body 纸巾
facial tissue 面巾纸
Kleenex :舒洁(Kleenex)是全球知名的面巾纸品牌之一,在口语当中,直接说这个单词,可以表示纸巾
Hey, can you pass me the Kleenex I think I have a cold.
toilet paper 卫生纸
Hey, they have a sale on toilet paper today.
napkin 餐巾纸
a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments, or to serve food on
西方餐桌上供应或使用的餐巾纸,也可以指那种西方人进餐时候围在脖子上好像布一样的东西,napkin 还有尿布的意思
He dabbed at his lips with the napkin.
卷纸:toilet rolls
厨房卷纸:kitchen rolls
单层:single ply
双层:double ply