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雅思写作考生常犯的6个错误 雅思考试

学习经验 雅思

2019年02月06日 11:19:01

1. Don't copy the question for your introduction. You should paraphrase the question (i.e. rewrite it using some different words).开头段不要写得和题目一模一样!你需要在开头段中复述题目,比如替换掉题干中的单词或者调整前后顺序等。
2. Don't forget to separate your paragraphs clearly. 别忘了一定要段落清晰噢!千万不要把所有信息都挤在一个大段里!
3. Don't forget to write a good summary/overview of the information. A quick one-sentence conclusion is not good enough. I prefer to put the overview straight after the introduction, and I try to write 2 sentences describing the information in general. You won't get a high score if you don't write a good overview.别忘了要写一个很棒的总结段,或者叫整体描述的段落,这一段不能只写一句话。我倾向把这段直接放在开头段的后面,即全文的第二段,用两句话对图表的整体趋势作下描述。如果你没有整体趋势描述段落的话是不可能拿到高分的!
4. Don't describe items separately (e.g. 2 lines on a graph). You should always try to compare things if it is possible to do so. Instead of describing 2 lines separately, compare the 2 lines at key points. 不要分开描述两个事情,比如线形图的话,你应该尽可能地去互相之间做对比,而且还要在关键点处进行对比。
5. Don't try to describe every number on a chart or graph (unless there are only a few numbers). A key skill in task 1 is being able to select the key information and describe or compare it well. I usually mention around 6 or 7 numbers in my main paragraphs. 不要试图去描述图表上的每一个数字!除非图表上的数字非常少,否则不要全部描述。对于小作文来说,关键的技能就是有选择性地描述信息,并做适当比较。我写小作文的话通常会提6至7个数字。

6. Don't spend longer than 20 minutes on task 1. Practise spending 5 minutes on each of your 4 paragraphs. Stop yourself after 20 minutes; remember that task 2 is worth more marks. 不要在小作文上花费超过20分钟!平时要训练自己5分钟完成一个段落的能力,一篇小作文4段,总共20分钟。记住大作文所占的分数比重是更大的!



