英语!常用的口语表达学透,才能真正提高英语口头交流的能力。今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:cakes and ale.
大家知道cake是蛋糕,ale是啤酒的意思,有人可能要问,啤酒不应该是beer吗?其实,ale和beer都是“啤酒”,只是它们酿造工艺不同,酒精含量也不同,ale是我们常说的“黑啤、苦啤”,beer 则是“淡啤酒”。cake 蛋糕,ale 啤酒,但这两个单词放在一起可不是“蛋糕和啤酒”的意思哦~ cakes and ale,有蛋糕有啤酒的日子是很享受的,那这个表达的意思就是“物质享受、世间乐事、吃喝玩乐”。
- It occurred to me that I still had some to .
- 糟糕!突然想起我还有一些零碎的事儿要处理完。
- Come on. Enjoy your cakes and ale.
- 哎呀,别这么扫兴,享受乐趣吧!
- We are going to have a birthday party tomorrow. Would you like to come?
- 我们明天打算举办一场生日聚会,你要来吗?
- Sounds great. Count me in.
- 听起来不错,人越多越热闹,算我一个。
- OK, good. Let's enjoy cakes and ale.
- 好,让我们尽情享乐吧~
This work has turned you into a total ! We should enjoy cakes and ale during our holidays.
Life is tough itself. We should fully enjoy cakes and ale when we're alive.
She has worked hard for several years, and now she has realized all her dreams and enjoyed the cakes and ale.