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学习经验 考研

2020年01月22日 20:45:14
备战考研英语,大众考生的第 一反应便是从英语词汇入手。记住学会一个单词不仅仅是拼写重点掌握的还有这个词的词性,各种语境下的语义。小编分享“2021考研英语词汇备考:betray的中文释义”内容,希望能给备战2021考研考生提供帮助~
betray的中文释义 及物动词: 1.出卖,泄漏 2.辜负 3.背叛(原则或信仰) 4.泄露信息,流露情感
名称 betrayer,betrayal
时态 betrayed,betraying,betrays
reveal unintentionally
disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake
deliver to an enemy by treachery
cause someone to believe an untruth
be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage
give away information about somebody
Willful betrayal of fidelity,confidence,or trust;perfidy. 背叛对忠诚、信任或信赖的有意背叛;背信弃义
Murders, revolts, chastisements, disasters, cunning alliances, and base betrayals, and no Herodotus to record them ,叛乱,惩罚,灾难,狡诈的联盟和卑鄙的背信弃义,而没有希罗多德这样的人把它们记载下来。
In your language traitor means betrayer: one is perfidious, treacherous, unfaithful, disloyal 在贵国的语言中,叛徒指的是叛卖者,一个背叛信仰,两面三刀,不忠实,无信无义的人。 I strain my ears, and all my senses, for some betrayal of that impending storm 我竖起耳朵,全神贯注地注意着即将来临的大风暴的种种征兆。

“I’ll believe you are a coward, for yourself , but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend” “我相信你没骨气只是你不争气罢了,你不至于没骨气到这个地步,连自己好的朋友都能出卖吧!”
The squalid atmosphere of intrigue, Betrayal, and counter-Betrayal 密谋、叛逆和反叛逆的恶劣气氛
Marked by betrayal of fidelity,confidence,or trust;perfidious. 背叛的以背叛忠诚、信赖或信任为特征的;背信弃义的
In the morning, Catherine learnt my betrayal of her confidence, and she learnt also that her secret visits were to end 第二天早晨,卡瑟琳知道我已辜负了她的信任,把她出卖了,也得知了她私下的会见从此告终了。
But other employees were kept in the dark, for fear of betrayal to the Germans 但其他一些雇员则是蒙在鼓里不知道的,唯恐他们向德国人告密。
The defeats and final failure had been due to others-to their "disloyalty and betrayal." 失败和后的溃败则应归咎于别人,归咎于他们的“不忠和背叛。”



