考研英语,大众考生的第 一反应便是从英语词汇入手。记住学会一个单词不仅仅是拼写重点掌握的还有这个词的词性,各种语境下的语义。小编分享“2021考研英语词汇备考:best什么意思及同义词”内容,希望能给备战2021考研考生提供帮助~
adj. 1.好的, 优秀的,理想的,合适的 2.愉快的,幸福的 3.适合的,恰当的
adv. 1.,高程度地 2.出色地,高标准地 3.适合地,恰当地
n.[sing.] 1.好的事物(或人) 2.(人或事物所能达到的)高标准 3.合乎要求的事物 4.(个人的)高水平,高纪录
good时态 bested,besting,bests
英语解释 get the better of
Canadian physiologist (born in the United States) who assisted F. G. Banting in research leading to the discovery of insulin (1899-1978)
it would be sensible
in a most excellent way or manner
from a position of superiority or authority
(comparative and superlative of well') wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable
(superlative of good') having the most positive qualities
the supreme effort one can make
the person who is most outstanding or excellent; someone who tops all others
The two men were shouting abuse, but she did her best to pour oil on the troubled waters 那两个男声对骂,而她则尽力从中调解。
There is no easy way to do business, and only those who do their best to win clients can win business. 做生意无捷径可走,只有那些千方百计赢得客户的人才能赢得生意。
Light snacks with good taste at low prices, wage earner's best choice to match the quick life tempo. 简便快餐,价廉味美,工薪阶层快节奏生活的选择。
He must not only do his own job well, but elicit the best results from those he supervises. 他不仅要做好自己份内的工作,还要激发下属有好的表现。
He held himself ready to bestride the animal at a moment's notice, should flight become necessary 象童本人做好准备,假使必要的话,他就立刻跳上大象逃走。
The pupil did his best, and the teacher was wrong to mock. 这个学生已尽了大努力,老师嘲笑他是不对的。

Profound understanding of value of China business information, understanding of customer requirement while providing the best service 深明资讯的价值深入了解用户需求为用户提供佳服务
for addresses that may be several hops away, it shows the best nexthop router 对于要有几跳的地址,它显示出佳的下一跳路由器。
If you earn much money,the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive. 如果你赚了很多钱,在活着的时候多行善事,这是你能得到的好回报.
As Europe is now twigging,the best breeding ground for innovators who know how to do business is often big,competitive companies(Economist) 正如欧洲现在明白的,培养懂得怎么做生意的革新者的好土壤是竞争性的大公司(经济学家)
the best 好的 to the best of 就...所及 for the best adv.出于好意 with the best 不比任何人差,不亚于任何人 at (the) best 充其量,至多 be for the best 是一个极其口语化的表达法,表示“反而更好; 对...反而好 at the best adv.充其量,好也只不过 the best of it 佳处 妙处 at best 好,至多,充其量 the best varieties for 年优良品种
相似单词 best
adj. 1.好的, 优秀的,理想的,合适的 2.愉快的,幸福的 3.适合的,恰当的
adv. 1.,高程度地 2.出色地,高标准地 3.适合地,恰当地
BEST =Business EDP System Technique 商用电子数据处理系统技术 best fit 佳拟合 second best a. 第二好的 best case best-case a. 为佳情况
设计的, 从佳情况考虑的 best loved a. 喜欢的 best in show n. 狗,猫等展览会获得首奖的动物 best ball a. 以所胜洞数决定胜负的 best known a. 流传久远的 best selling a. 畅销的,红的