There be 结构 错误表达:There have many people believe that computers are useful. 正确表达:There are many people who believe that computers are useful. (不存在There have的形式,而且There be结构后不能再加谓语动词。)
情态动词 错误表达:We should be take effective measures. 正确表达:We should be take some effective measures. (情态动词必须加一个动词原形,没有should be do这种结构。) 不一致 错误表达:正确表达:(one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have 应改为has;同理,want应改为wants。
词性使用 错误表达:Nobody can negative the importance of education. 正确表达:Nobody can deny the importance of education. (negative系形容词,误作动词。)
介词短语加了句号 错误表达: With the development of society. people begin to realize the importance of education. 正确表达: With the development of society, people begin to realize the importance of education. (介词短语不是句子,不能加句号。)
句子不完整 错误表达:The question whether the internet is a blessing or a curse. 正确表达:The question whether the internet is a blessing or a curse is now being discussed heatedly. (在句子中使用从句时,会出现缺少谓语的情况。)
固定词组的搭配 错误表达:There is a great deal of violence shown in media to the purpose of making people relaxed. 正确表达:There is a great deal of violence shown in media to the purpose for making people relaxed. 指代不清 一致。 错误表达:正确表达:disadvantages. (代词的所指对象不明确,意思出现错误。)
such as 和 for example的区别 错误表达:正确表达:(for example 错误表达:正确表达: (such as Or amazing rate. Or The human race has entered a marvelous age; the word is developing at an amazing rate. Or The human race has entered a marvelous age, the word is developing at an amazing rate. (逗号不能隔开了两个完整的句子。)
用词不当 是指在特定的句子中如何适当地选用词语的问题,学生在作文中用词不当的错误比比皆是。 错误表达:The use of chemical obstacle in agriculture also gives rise to pollution. 正确表达:The use of chemical substance in agriculture also gives rise to pollution.(学生将obstacle “障碍”误作substance “物质”了。)
不连贯 不连贯是指一个句子前言不对后语,或者结构上下不畅通。 错误表达:As I see it, water shortage, it is the most pressing problem of the earth. 正确表达:As I see it, water shortage is the most pressing problem of the earth. (water shortage与逗号后的it不连贯。)
名词单复数使用错误 错误表达:Living in this information-explosion society, we can obtain an increasing number of informations. 正确表达:number of information. (information不可数,不能用复数,也不能用)。

正式原则 一般不能出现缩写形式。错误表达:As is known to all, we can’t do without advertisements. 正确表达:大小写的错误 每句开头一个字母都得大写。
错误表达:正确表达:从句引导错误 错误表达:account the the greatest charm in the world. 正确表达:As is are many people which fail to take into (as不能再加that。Which 的先行词是人,所以应 正确表达:There is no yet absolute agreement on the question whether schools are of no use in the Computer Age.