英语口语:如何表达“忙碌”的一天,对上班族来说,每个工作日都是忙碌的一天。早晨在闹铃声中起床,晚上在午夜的喧闹中入眠。这个不会睡着的城市,让你即使在梦中都有一种紧迫感。该如何来描述我们这“忙碌”的一天呢?“i’m busy”是容易的,可是生活需要变化,语言需要色彩,下面就让我们一起来看一下怎样给“忙碌”的生活“添彩”吧。
1. bustling 忙乱的
all over the streets of new york city, people are bustling in and out of shops, buying christmas presents. (在纽约的大街小巷上,人们行色匆匆地穿梭于店铺之间,忙着购买圣诞礼物。)
2. hectic 紧张而忙碌
fridays are always the most hectic days for me. there's so much to do that i almost lose my mind. (周五是我紧张忙碌的一天。要做的事太多了,我都快晕菜了。)
3. in tearing hurry 手忙脚乱
there's no tearing hurry. just stay a bit longer. (也没有太急的事情,就多待一会儿吧。)
4. up to one's ears (in work) (工作)忙死了
i've got so much to do these days. i'm up to my ears in paperwork. (这几天我有好多事要做。这些文书工作要忙死我了。)