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学习经验 口语听力

2019年11月05日 19:51:22
q: what do you like to do in your spare time? (你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?)
a: i play golf, go to the movies and travel. (我打高尔夫,看电影,旅游。)
q: are you married? (你结婚了吗?)
a: no, i’m single. (没有,我是独身。)
q: what do you do for a living? (你是做什么工作的?)
a: i work in the stock market. (我在证券交易所工作。)
i’m a computer salesman. (我是一个电脑销售人员。)
q: why did you come to china? (你为什么来?)
a: i always wanted to see the great wall. (我一直以来很想看看长城。)
q: what are you good at (doing)? (你擅长做什么?)
a: i’m a great cook. (我是个出色的厨师。)
q: what do you enjoy doing most? (你喜欢做什么?)
a: teaching english and meeting new people. (教英语,结识新朋友。)
q: what’s your dream? (你的梦想是什么?)
a: to retire and travel around the world. (退休以后去周游世界。)
q: what’s your goal in life? (你人生的目标是什么?)

a: to become a millionaire before i am 30. (在我30岁之前成为百万富翁。)
q: do you play any musical instruments? (你会演奏乐器吗?)
a: i play guitar. (我会弹吉他。)
q: what sports do you like? (你喜欢什么体育运动?)
a: all kinds of sports. but i like golf the best. (我喜欢所有的体育运动。不过高尔是我的爱。)
q: what’s your opinion on money? / what are your thoughts on money? (你怎么看待钱?)
a: money is great. money makes the world go around. (钱是个好东西。钱使世界运转 / 有钱能使鬼推磨。)



