A. Eating more animal protein may help you live longer.
B. Eating more plant protein may help you live longer.
C. Eating more red meat may help you live longer.
D. Eating more processed meat may help you live longer
A. 12,381.
B. 5,055.
C. 3,025.
D. 1528.
People who eat more plant-based protein may live longer than those who get more protein from meat, a Japanese study suggests. Researchers followed almost 71,000 middle-aged Japanese adults for an average of almost 20 years. They compared people who ate the smallest amount of plant protein to those who ate the largest amount. The researchers found that those who ate the most were 13 percent less likely to die during the study. They were also 16 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular causes. Animal protein did not appear to influence length of life in the study, researchers report in the scientific publication JAMA Internal Medicine. During the study, 12,381 people died. That included more than 5,055 deaths from cancer, 3,025 from cardiovascular disease and 1,528 deaths from other kinds of heart disease. The remaining deaths were the result of cerebrovascular disease. People who replaced just 3 percent of red meat with plant protein were 34 percent less likely to die of any cause. They were 39 percent less likely to die of cancer, and 42 percent less likely to die of heart disease during the study. And, those who replaced just 4 percent of processed meat in their diet with plant protein were 46 percent less likely to die of any cause. They were 50 percent less likely to die of cancer. The current study was not a controlled experiment designed to prove how the amount or type of protein people eat might directly affect the length of their lives. The researchers noted one limitation of their study. They wrote that the diets of those taking part were only considered once, at the start of the study. It is possible that those diets changed over time.
Question 1: What’s the main idea of this news report?

Question 2: According to the news report, how many people died from cardiovascular disease during the study?
1. cardiovascular: relating to the heart and blood vessels (= tubes that carry blood around the body) 心血管的
2. cerebrovascular: relating to the blood vessels, especially the arteries, that supply the brain 脑血管的
3. red meat: meat from mammals, especially beef and lamb 红肉(尤指牛肉、羊肉)
4. processed meat: Processed food has had some sort of chemical or industrial treatment in order to cook it, preserve it, or improve its taste or appearance. (食品)经过特殊加工的;处理过的
动物蛋白和植物蛋白皆由氨基酸组成,但质量不同(取决于必需氨基酸的含量和比例),人体共有8种氨基酸必须从食物中摄取,被称为必需氨基酸。动物性蛋白主要是由动物提供的蛋白质如肉、蛋、奶等,植物性蛋白是由植物提供的蛋白质如大豆等。人体蛋白质由20种氨基酸组成 其中12种是人体可以通过自身生化反应合成的称为非必需氨基酸,还有8种氨基酸人体不能合成,必须依靠食物提供,称为必需氨基酸,而动物蛋白中一般都含有人体必需的8种氨基酸,特别是蛋制品和乳制品。而植物蛋白中必需氨基酸含量很少。特别是缺少赖氨酸(一种必需氨基酸),因此其氨基酸评分较低,这类蛋白质被人体吸收和利用的程度也会差些。在众多的植物性蛋白质中,营养价值高的是豆类蛋白质(又称大豆蛋白)。动物蛋白的质量往往更接近人体需要(毕竟人类也是一种动物),吸收率较高,被称为优质蛋白或完全蛋白。而植物蛋白往往缺乏1-2种必需氨基酸(并不是指完全没有,只是含量较低,和人体需要相差较大)。
Question 1: B
Question 2: C