Our Sun is a lone wolf of a star, but out there in the wider Universe, stars are often locked in adance with others, orbiting a mutual centre of gravity.
In one such triple-star system, astronomers have just found an exoplanet.
It has the rather catchy name LTT 1445Ab, as it orbits the primary star of three red dwarfsthat constitute the system LTT 1445, located around 22.5 light-years away.
"If you're standing on the surface of that planet, there are three suns in the sky, but two ofthem are pretty far away and small-looking," astronomer Jennifer Winters of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics told New Scientist.
"They're like two red, ominous eyes in the sky."
Her team's research has been submitted to The Astronomical Journal, so we can expect it to bepeer-reviewed soon.
The planet was discovered by TESS, NASA's planet-hunting space telescope designed to findexoplanets that pass between us and their home star, by detecting the telltale dimming as theplanet blocks a small percentage of the star's light.

The depth of dimming, and the tiny movements of the star as it is very slightly pulled by theplanet's gravity (detected with other telescopes), allow scientists to place constraints on thesize and mass of the planet.
LTT 1445Ab is very different from the 2016 discovery of HD 131399Ab, another exoplanet withthree suns.
LTT1445Ab与2016年发现的另一个有“三个太阳”的系外行星HD 131399Ab差别很大。
The latter is a giant with a 550-year orbit around one of the stars in a triple system 340 light-years away.