英语家园 还在说 I Love You? 也太low了吧~这年头向对方表白光靠Love是不行滴!下面这些词,可比love的浪漫色彩更浓更美哦。1Chemistry典型的一见倾心,美国人会说:There was an immediate chemistry between us the first time we met. Chemistry 是指 the understanding and attraction between two people. “想起初恋的时候,每次见到ta,心里那叫一小鹿乱撞啊,连脚趾头都羞红了,
这么强烈的化学反应难怪英语里也说chemistry。”如果有人问你:How are you two going? 你可以回答:We’re getting along very well. We have a good chemistry.相对地道,出彩。Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。5Break up通常来说,两个人分别就是缘分走到了尽头,很难说到底是谁的错。所以无论哪方提出分手,都不要直接说I want to break up with you。那样其实是雪上加霜,是很hurtful很不仁道的举动。如果换成,I am sorry, John. It's just we don't match very well. So we better be friends。
就显得诚恳多了,也避免了对方一哭二闹三上吊的难堪局面。这种闹得很不愉快的分别方式被成为ugly break-up。I bet it's the least you want。··想成为老师的终身粉丝可以加他们好友··