Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential to improving health and to deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?这是一篇特殊题型的社会类大作文,这种类型题目在雅思考试中出现的频率并不是很高,但是这篇范文可以为各位考生提供一个优秀的示例以供学习。
It is true that in order to improve the physical health of the general population, there must be research into drugs and treatments. But who should bankroll new medical developments? In my opinion, I judge that the onusshould be on private drug companies and governments and not on the individual.首先这个题目的要求为讨论究竟是哪一方有责任为新型药物的的研究提供经济支持。作者采用了双边的结构来进行论述。
Those against government funding argue that governments have more important concerns. For example, state budgets need to be spent on services like education, infrastructure and national security. These public services are essential for a country to function properly, because without them the country would fall apart. In contrast, new types of drugs and treatments are essentially a luxury. Private companies are also seen as a poor option because most simply do not have enough funds for large-scale medical research. Also, in order to recuperatetheir massive research costs, private drug companies tend to raise the prices of their new drugs, which end up beyond the means ofmost consumers.首先一段,作者用改写题目的方法引出了论题,并且在首段就表明了自己的观点—认为private companies和government有这样的社会责任为新型药物的研究提供经济支持。
Nevertheless, I believe private companies and governments should bear the bruntof this funding. If this massive investment is passed onto the consumer it would be impossible for many people to be able to afford basic necessities for living, including the very drugs and treatments their money would fund. For example, in some African countries people are dying because they cannot afford food and water, much less the anti-viral drugs they desperately need. I consider good health to be a right for all, not just the rich. In other words, every person inherently deserves decent standards of living.
其次一个主体段部分,作者使用了“论点,解释,举例”的结构来论证论点。通常在写支持句时,可以使用原因&结果,比较&对比等方法解释你的论点,如本篇范文,作者使用了because,in contrast等连词来引导“解释”这一部分。
In conclusion, I believe private companies and governments have a moral obligation to fund further research into new types of medicines and treatments to relieve the burden on the poorer sections of society.第二个主体段与一主体段使用了同样的写主体段的方法。结尾段,作者重申自己的观点并总结上文。整篇文章的前后举例论证和逻辑结构清晰有序。