Alan: Forget it, let's just go home.
Charlie: Wait a second. I spend all day schlepping from store to store with you, listening to you whine, and now that we're finally found something that works, you want to bail?
Alan: l just don't feel comfortable in this stuff.
Charlie: I knew it. I knew you'd chicken out.
Alan:Chicken out? No, I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response.
Charlie: At least your wife had the guts to try something new.
Alan:Don't go there, Charlie.
艾: 别管它了,咱们回家吧。
查理: 等等。我花了一整天就和你那么费劲地从一个商店转到另一个商店,还要听你牢骚,现在我们终于找到合适的了,你却想跑?
《好汉两个半》 ( Two and A Half Men)
Jean:I need to talk to you for a second.
Rick:You just give me a minute, all right?Find Flanagan, will you?
The assistant: Yes, sir.
Rick:Yes, honey?
Jean:Iwant the locks changed again in the morning.
Rick:Just go to bed, what about James?
Jean:Of course. I've checked on him every five minutes since we've been home.
Rick:It's okay. Just go to bed.
Jean:Do not patronize me. I want the locks changed again in the morning. You know, didn't l just ask you not to treat me like a child...