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雅思大作文社会类高频词汇 雅思学习

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月12日 12:00:09
Society is based on rules and laws.It would not function if individuala are free to do whatever they want to.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
破题词:freedom/disorder 自由/混乱
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For ages,many have called for freedom of speech【】,publication 【出版自由】and so on.That demand may seem reasonable from the angle of human rights【】,whereas in practice perhaps only Utopia could allow such occurrence.
If they followed their hearts,the evil hidden behind would be relieved at will without any fear of punishment【对惩罚的担心】.
Nowadays,some workplaces lend to employ equal numbers of men and women workers.Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
破题词:gender discrimination/employment 性别歧视/就业
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After decades of appealing【呼吁】 and struggling【抗争】 for women’s rights【女人的权利】,the societies in most parts of the world are aware of the necessity of it,considering it as a symbol of social progress【社会进步之象征】.
In fact,the strength and advantages of women should not be limited in the household affairs【家政事务】,although they are really good at them,their talents can be demonstrated in a wider field like cause.
Many people are afraid to their homes because of their fear of crime.Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime,but others feel that little can be done.What is your opinion?
破题词:justice/measures 正义/措施
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The statistics【统计数据】 of crime rate keeps agitating citizens with its potential threat【潜在威胁】 to their life and property【财产】.As a result,some even seek sense of safety at home.
Passive escape【消极逃避】 can trigger nothing but even more ignorant violence【暴力】 or crimes,which sounds the alarm【敲响警钟】that public and government could do more than they have expected.

stability and satisfaction 稳定和满足
ideal workplace 理想的工作场所
promising future 有前景的未来
depression 抑郁
mistreat/abuse 虐待
bonds of affection 情感纽带
single-parent household 单亲家庭
domestic violence 家庭暴力
criminal tendency 犯罪倾向
victim 受害者
resent 憎恨



