Today I want to talk about the beauty of traditional Chinese architecture and design. 干货贴预警ヾ(■_■)ノ
A very important feature in Chinese architecture is its emphasis on balance through the use of articulationand bilateral symmetry.
Articulation: 对细节的追求
Bilateral symmetry: 【建筑,空间上的】对称性
In contrast to the buildings, the Chinese gardens tend to be asymmetrical. This is to create flow. The design of the classic Chinese garden is based on the ideology of "Nature and Man in One", so, the arrangement is as flexible as possible to let people feel they are surrounded by and in harmony with nature.
Asymmetrical: 不对称的
Create flow: 产生蜿蜒感
The ideology of "Nature and Man in One":“天人合一”的理念
Be in harmony with nature:人与自然的和谐共处
Isn’t this a wonderful concept, inside the home you are in your place co-existing with nature but separate from nature itself but once you step outside, you can feel the harmony with nature!
Be separate from nature: 和自然是有所分离的
Ancient Chinese architecture is mainly the use of wood, which we can say is timberwork.
Timberwork: 木结构