Words关键词 hot 热 hotter and hotter 越来越热 feel the heat 感觉热 scorching hot 灼热 sweltering/sultry/stifling/sticky/muggy 闷热 clammy 粘粘的 sweat 出汗 sun cream/sunscreen 防晒霜
parasol 遮阳伞 ultraviolet 紫外线 sunburn 晒伤
1. It’s getting hotter and hotter. Summer has started. 天气越来越热了。夏天来了。
2. I feel the heat when the door is open. 门开的时候我觉得很热。 I can’t bear the heat. I’m melting! 我受不了这么热了。我都快热化了!
3. Do you remember the scorching hot days last summer? 你还记得去年夏天酷热的那段日子吗?

4. It’s sweltering/sultry/stifling/muggy/sticky. I sweat like a pig. 天气又闷又热。我汗流浃背。
5. I sweat easily. My T-shirt is clammy with sweat. 我很容易出汗。T恤又粘又湿。
6. I wear a sunscreen of SPF 30 to protect skin from ultraviolet. 我涂了防晒系数30的防晒霜保护皮肤免受紫外线侵害。 Notes:“SPF”的全称是“Sun Protection Factor”,即“防晒系数”。
7. I carry my parasol to avoid ultraviolet rays when I went out. 外出时,我打阳伞遮挡紫外线。 8. He did not wear sun cream. So he got a light sunburn. 他没有涂防晒霜,被轻度 晒伤。