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关于文物保护的英语口语练习分享 英语练习

学习经验 口语听力

2019年07月21日 08:43:09
Listen Read Learn Daniel: May, is this the Hall of Ancient China? May: Yes. Look at these historical relics here, amazing! Daniel: Why are they all in glass boxes? May: For protection. Some relics will turn to dust if exposed to air. Daniel: So there isn't air in the glass boxes? May: No, there isn't. They are all vacuumed. Daniel: I wonder how old these things are, thousands of years? May: Yeah, they all come from a very ancient time.
Daniel: Hey, look at the three-leg cup. I've seen it on TV. May: The bronze cup was made 4,000 years ago. It's priceless! Daniel: Yeah, it has no value at all. Who will use this cup today? May: Danny, priceless means so valuable that you can't put a price on it. Daniel: Oh, it does?
丹尼尔:阿美,这是古代馆吗? 阿美:是啊。看这些历史遗址,真令人惊叹! 丹尼尔:为它们都被装在玻璃瓶里呢? 阿美:为了保护它们啊。一些文物放在空气中就会变成粉末。 丹尼尔:那么玻璃瓶中没有空气了? 阿美:没有。它们都是真空的。 丹尼尔:真不知这些东西有多古老,几千年? 阿美:是啊,它们都是来自古代。 丹尼尔:嘿,看这个三只脚的杯子。我在电视上看到过。 阿美:四千年前的青铜杯子。这可是无价之物! 丹尼尔:是啊,没有一点价值。如今谁会用这种杯子啊? 阿美:丹丹,无价意味着价值大得无法计算。 丹尼尔:哦,是吗?
经典背诵 Recitation Daniel: I like the Hall of Ancient China in a history museum. The historical relics there, are amazing! They all come from a very ancient time. That's so cool. They are all kept in glass boxes which are all vacuumed for protection. May says they are priceless! 生词小结 ancient adj. 古老的

historical adj. 历史的 dust n. 粉末,灰尘 vacuum vt. 抽成真空 bronze n. 青铜 priceless adj. 无价的 valuable adj. 有价值的,贵重的 Functional structure 功能性句型扩展 表示感叹的句型 请朗读以下句型,家长和孩子交替进行
1.愤怒 My god! 天! What a nuisance! 真讨厌! I am extremely displeased about… 我很气愤……
2.赞叹 How marvelous! 真神气! How wonderful! 真了不起! That's fantastic! 棒极了! It looks terrific! 看上去棒极了! It's so splendid! 太棒了!
3.高兴 I am pleased about… 我很开心…… I am excited about… 我太兴奋了…… I can't say how pleased I am to… 我简直说不出自己有多开心…… I am delighted to hear that… 我很高兴地听到……



