嗯…… Well...这是种很方便的表达方式。以下三种情况都可以用。(1)一时回答不了或说不上来时。“嗯……”“唉……”“这个嘛……”“话是不错,可……”。(2)相当吃惊时。“哎呀!”“什么?”“啊!”。(3)改变话题继续交谈时。“那么……”“可是……”“后来……”。= Umm...= Hmm...
让我想想。 Let me see.*see “考虑”“盘算”“想”,口语中常用来表示无法立刻答复,一时想不出回答的话,或想说点什么。May I take your order? (您点什么菜?)= Well, let me see...(点什么呢?……)= Let's see.= Let me check. (让我查查。)= I'll find out for you. (我找找。)
我的意思是…… I mean...*“就是说”“不,其实我是说……”,用于会话中补充或纠正自己的发言时。May I ask who you are? (请问您是哪位?)I'm a friend of John's... I mean, Mr. Sheehan. (我是约翰的朋友,我是说我是希恩先生的朋友。)*当说话的人是希恩先生的朋友时。
话就在嘴边上。 It's on the tip of my tongue.
说什么好呢? What should I say...*用于委婉表达难以启齿的事情,一时找不到合适的词,争取考虑时间的情况。= How should I put this...= How should I put it...
我真不知道该说什么好…… I don't know quite how to put this.= You said you wanted to talk to me... (听说你有话要对我说……)= Well, I don't know quite how to put this... (嗯,我真不知道该说什么好……)= I don't know how to say this.= I'm not sure how to put this.
这可让你问着了。 Beats me.*回答不了别人的提问时,“哎呀!这可糟了” “怎么说呢” “不知道呀”的语气。What's the population of Narita? (成田市有多少人口呀?)= I can't answer that. (我可答不上来。)
叫什么来着? What do you call it?*一时想不出要说的东西的名字的时候。口语中常发音为Whatchamacallit?= What would you call it?*把“do”换成“would”则用于另外一种场合。意思是“你管它叫什么?”
让你问住了。 You've got me.*回答不上来问话时。Who's the prime minister of Canada? (加拿大的是谁?)You've got me. (让你问住了。)