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托福独立写作出题新趋势详解 托福备考

学习经验 托福

2019年07月17日 08:40:25
托福独立写作出题新趋势。“托福写作新题的条件变得越来越多,问的问题越来越细越具体”——这些是能在很多教学文章里面看到的共识。举个例子,从前老托福典型题目之一是:People attend college or university for many different reasons. Why do you think people attend college or university? ——半开放式的作文——现在一看这题目就不对味,因为如今的托福写作越发于把题目写得特别具体,让学生在一个特定的情景下答题。
When you travel to a city for the first time but don't have enough time to experience this city, which of the following choices is the best way to learn about this city?
A. eat in a restaurant or a cafe
B. visit historic sites
C. go shopping in the mall
参考上面信息,此题不再是简单地问“哪个是较佳的了解城市的方法”,而是“for the first time”以及” don't have enough time to experience this city”的条件下选择哪个?这么看,A跟B都还算是比较好的选择,能很好地联系这两个条件。
1) If you are in the last year of your college life and about to graduate soon, what kind of courses would you take in this year? A. choose familiar professors whose courses you ever took B. choose unfamiliar professors whose courses you never took before.
2) Government should spend money sending adults aged 25 to learn the most up-to-date skills in the workplace. Do you think it is effective?
3) It is not a good way for employers to send work-related messages to their workers in their holiday or on weekends in order to make workers satisfied with their jobs.
4) We should state our honest opinions even though other people may disagree with us.




