Are you all right ? ——你还好吗?
He's not answering ——他没有回应 。
How long have you been like this ——你像这样有多久了?
Where is the pharmacy ? ——药店在哪里?
Nothing's wrong , I'm fine 。——我没事,挺好的
I'm not angry with you 。——我没生你气。
It wasn't that expensive 。——没那么贵
We're just good friends 。 ——我能就只是好朋友
I wasn't driving that fast ——我车没开那么快
I forgive you ——我原谅你了
He is nice —— 他人很好
He lacks courage —— 他缺乏勇气
He came to see me by train ——他坐火车来看我
He is ill in bed —— 他卧病在床
Wake me up at six tomorrow ——明天6点叫醒我
It's past 10 o'clock ,Go to bed。 ——已经过十点了,睡觉吧。
I need a pair of shoes —— 我需要一双鞋
I'm looking for a jacket ——我想买件夹克

Is this one on sale ? ——有折扣吗
I'm going to make a run for the store ——我得去商店跑一趟
I'm going to sleep 。Good night ——我要睡觉了,晚安
I'm going to take a shower ——我想洗个澡
Did you set the alarm ? —— 你定闹钟了吗
Go wash up, honey —— 亲爱的,去洗洗吧
What should we eat tonight ? ——今晚我们吃什么呢?
I'm too tired to eat supper —— 我太累了,都不想吃饭了
Let's have a light dinner —— 我们晚餐吃简单点吧
Would you mind getting me a cup of tea? ——给我来杯水好吗?
Where're the snacks ? ——点心在哪呢?
How was your work today ? —— 今天工作怎么样?
Same as always ——和往常一样
Arn't your forgetting anything ? ——没忘了什么东西吧?
Don't run ,walk slowly —— 不要跑,慢慢走
Don't forget to take out the trash ——别忘了扔垃圾
Did you lock the door ?——你锁门了吗
Do you know how late you are ? ——你知道你晚多久了吗?
I'll be outside wating for you ——我在外面等你
Oh no! It's too late —— 天啊,太晚了
I forget brush my teeth —— 我忘记刷牙了
Someone's in here ——里面有人
Just a minute, please —— 请等一下
I want to take a warn shower —— 我想冲个热水澡
Can I sleep more ? —— 我能多睡一会吗
I'm still sleepy ——我还困着呢