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雅思口语话题分析 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月14日 12:52:45
Yes, I do like flowers. As an introvert, sometimes, I find myself feeling peaceful and relaxed while enjoying nice flowers in my garden. I have a habit of taking pictures of flowers after the rain. I feel most at peace spending chunks of good-time on my own, in relative silence, contemplating the beauty of flowers with raindrops through my camera lens.
Introvert (n) a shy, reticent person.
(a) chunk of (n) a significant amount of something
Good-time (n) (of a person) having the pursuit of pleasure as one's chief aim
To contemplate (v) to look thoughtfully for a long time at
2. Which/What is your favorite flower?
White roses are truly my favorite flower. They are traditionally associated withmarriages and new beginnings. However, their beauty has also made them a gesture ofremembrance. Therefore, a bouquet of white rose is a perfect way to say “I’m thinking of you”.
Gesture (n) a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express
an idea or meaning
(a) Bouquet of (flowers) (phrase) an attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially
one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony
3. Do you think flowers are important?

For an introvert like me, enjoying the harmonizationof various types of flowers withdifferent gorgeouscolors in the garden or in florist shops could brighten upmy days and lift my spirits.
Harmonization (n) agood combination
Gorgeous (adj) beautiful, very attractive
Brighten up (phrasal verb) make something more pleasant and happy
Lift our spirits (expression) make us feel happier
4. Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)
Definitely. With beautiful meanings, some flowers are chosen to show people’s keyvirtues. Lotus flowers, for example, have been regarded as thenational flower. The lotus plants grow from the marsh but their leaves and flowers grow toward the direction of the sunlight, which symbolizesthe purity and faithfulness of people’s spirits.
Virtue (n)good qualities or characteristics
To regard as (v) to consider or think of in a specified way
To symbolize (v) to be a symbol of
5. Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?
Flowers are widely used in many occasions and festivals in our country to represent for a blessing, happiness and good luck. Most families have at leastone kind of plants or flowers at home.
6. What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?
A bunch offlowers is considered as a gift for a wide range of occasions for both people to send and receive flowers. For example, in a birthday party, Women’s day, or Valentine’s day, colorful flowers are arranged nicely in a small vase and given to each other.
A bunch of flowers (phrase) a number of things, typically of the same kind, growing or fastened together.
7. In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?
Yes, they do. As mention above, flowers play an essential rolein different occasions as a special gift for people to show love to one another. People, especially girls, are happy and pleased when they receive their favorite flowers from beloved ones on their birthday.

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