龙门石窟(Longmen Grottoes)坐落于洛阳市南。它和云冈石窟(YungangCaves)、莫髙窟(Mogao Caves)被视为著名的三大石窟。许多关于艺术、音乐、宗教、
Longmen Grottoes are located in the south of Luoyang city.LongmenGrottoes,Yungang Caves and Mogao Caves are regarded as three most famous grottoesin China.Lots of historical materials concerningart,music,religion,calligraphy,medicine,costume and architecture are kept inLongmen Grottoes.There are as many as 100,000 statues within the 1,400caves,ranging from 1 inch to 57 feet in height.These works that are entirelydevoted to the Buddhist religion,represent the peakedness of Chinese stonecarving art.
1.龙门石窟坐落于洛阳市南:其中“石窟”也就是“洞穴”,可译为grotto,它变复教时要加es。“坐落于”可译为be located in,locate意为“坐落于,确定…的位置”。
2.它和云冈石窟、莫高窟被视为著名的三大石窟:其中“被视为”可译为be regarded as,也可用be considered as或be seen as来表示。
3.这些作品完全致力于主题,代表了石刻艺术的巅峰:其中“致力于”可译为 be devoted to,devote意为“奉献,把...专用于”,devote oneself to 意为“献身于;沉溺于”。“代表”可译为represent,standfor也有“代表”的意思;前者多指实体代表,后者多指抽象物体代表。“巅峰”可译为peakedness。
We should take measures to improve people's sense of credit andestablish stricter laws to punish the behavior of those who do not have credit.Only in these ways can we hope to enhance the credit of the whole society.
《本草纲目》(The Compendium of Materia Medica)是明代(the Ming Dynasty)著名的医学家李时珍所著。这部著作近乎200万字,记载药物(medical substance) 1892种。除了中草药(Chineseherhal medicine),该书也包含了动物和矿物质作为药物的记载。《本草纲目》堪称中医史上完整的医书,对各种药物的名称、气味、形态等都做了详尽的介绍。它被翻译成20多种语言并在全世界广为流传。即便现在,人们还常常将它用作医学参考书。
The Compendium of Materia Medica is written by Li Shizhen, a famous medicalscientist in the Ming Dynasty. With almost 2 million Chinese characters, thebook lists 1,892 kinds of medical substances. Besides Chinese herbal medicines,it includes animals and minerals used as medical substances. The Compendium ofMateria Medica is regarded as the most complete medical book in the history oftraditional Chinese medicine. Detailed introductions of all the medicalsubstances are given in the book, including name, smell, appearance, etc. Ithas been translated into more than 20 languages and spreads all over the world.Even now it is still often used as a reference book in medicine.
1.第1句中“著名的医学家”和“李时珍”所指为同一个人,故将前者处理为后者的同位语,表达为Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist。
汉语短句,合为一句翻译的处理办法是将其中一个句子“介词化”,将前半句用介词短语With almost 2 million Chinesecharacters来表达,符合英语中多用介词短语的表达习惯。句首的“这部著作”(the book)移到第2个分句中作主语。
3.第3句中的“作为药物的”可处理为“动物和矿物质”的后置定语,用过去分词短语used as medical substances表被动。
4.第4句“《本草纲目》堪称……完整的医书,对各种药物……做了详尽的介绍”可直译为并列结构The book is regarded as... and introduces in detail...,但因句子成分太多而显繁冗,故可对该句进行拆译,处理成两个独立的句子。第2个分句“对各种药物……做了详尽的介绍”可增译主语the book,也可转换宾语“介绍”(introduction)为主语,用被动语态,整句译作 Detailedintroductions... are given..., including...。
5.后一句可按汉语句式直译为Even now people still often use it as areference book in medicine, 但如将主语转换成it,将句子转换成被动语态,则能与全文的论述视角更为统一。

Pingyao is an ancient city with a history of over 2700 years, loeated inthe middle pan of Shanxi Province, China. It is an outstanding example ofcities of the Han nationality during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its citywalls, streets, dwelling houses, shops and temples have retained all thefeatures to an exceptional degree. Also, many traditions are still preserved bythe people living in Pingyao. The enclosed city is of distinct function andproper layout. The city wall that was built with black bricks has stood againstrains and storms for over 600 years and been well preserved. Now it has bccomea symbol of the old city.
1.平遥位于山西省中部,是一个有着2700多年历史的古老城市:“有着...历史"可译为with a history of或have a history of。
3.城墙是由黑色的砖砌成,已经经历了600多年的风雨洗礼,一直保存完好:其中“由黑色的碎蝴成”可译为be built with black bricks。