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深入了解托福写作5问5答 托福考试

学习经验 托福

2019年01月10日 17:39:26
初次接触托福写作的同学相对来说可能会对综合写作的疑问更多一些,因为独立写作与我们四六级考试的作文有相似之处。那么托福综合写作究竟是怎么回事呢 ? 应该如何写好综合写作呢 ? 我们一起来往下看……
托福综合写作一问:托福综合写作是写作考试还是听力阅读考试 ?我们常说,托福综合写作不仅需要听懂听力,更重要的是写出阅读和听力之间的逻辑,但是往往小伙伴会不知道究竟怎样才算有逻辑,故而屡屡得了 FAIR~~
其实在我看来,综合写作真正考的恰恰是逻辑:如何融会贯通阅读和听力的思路 ; 如何通过对比,找到合适的反驳点。他真的不单纯是概述,而是需要你自己去总结,写出一条贯穿始终的逻辑线。
我曾经强调的一点是:顺着听力的思路去写,后来想想这样子的回答也是比较含糊 ~~ 太过于感性,没法有直观的认识,今天我就教一种特别简单粗暴的方法。
托福综合写作,听力,以听力作为主题来写,这都没有错,但是你也不可以忽视阅读。往往,阅读是一种信号——听力的内容,听力的反驳点,你都可以从托福综合写作的阅读中找到蛛丝马迹,这样你才可以有重点地去听听力 ~~

以 tpo22 为例:
First, the increased use of ethanol fuel would not help to solve one of the biggest environmental problems caused by gasoline use: global warming. Like gasoline, ethanol releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when it is burned for fuel and carbon dioxide is greenhouse gas: it helps trap heat in the atmosphere.Thus, ethanol offers no environmental advantage over gasoline. [ Reading 的一、个观点:releases carbon dioxide in the process of using ethanol fuel → not good to the environment ]
First, the increased use of Ethanol fuel will not add to global warming. [ 听力的一、个观点 ] It ’ s true that when Ethanol is burned, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, [ 转陈述阅读的一个点的理由。 ] but [ 信号词,接下去说的就是听力的反驳点。 ] as you read, Ethanol is often made from plants such as corn. Well, the process of growing the plants counteracts this release of carbon dioxide. Let me explain. [ 具体解释说明前一句的抵消作用。即使你一开始没有听出来 counteract,综合也会将重点再次解释给你听 ~~ ] Every growing plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as part of its nutrition. So growing plants for Ethanol production actually removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
如果说 tpo22 一点的阅读中细节只是辅助支撑,对于听力的理解帮不上太大的忙,那么第二点的阅读细节却可以帮助你去理解听力部分在说些什么:
Second, the production of significant amounts of ethanol would dramatically reduce the amount of plants available for uses other fuel. [ Reading 的第二个观点:reduce the amount of plants which is used to produce other fuel. ( in other part ) ] For example [ 细节点补充论证 reading,解释说明主题句,帮助理解 ] , much of the corn now grown in the United States is used to feed farm animals such as cows and chickens. It is estimated that if ethanol were used to satisfy just 10 percent of the fuel needs in the United States, more than 60 percent of the corn currently grown in the united stated would have to be used to produce ethanol. If most of the corn were used to produce ethanol, a substantial source of food for animals would disappear. [ 听力就此点反驳 ]
托福综合写作第三问:听力部分应该怎么应对真的写的时候,对于听力,其实真的只要听懂就可以了,甚至你都不用转述,直接把听力原文照搬就可以 ~~
如果你一时没有听懂一个词,比如在 tpo22 一点的 counteract 一开始没有听懂,那么这时你不要慌张,因为对于重点,综合写作的听力会反复解释说明 ~~ 例如上文中的 Let me explain~~
又比如第三点听力中的:studies show that,他都是通过例子、换词解释,来使得你弥补自己没有听到的重点。

以上就是教育宝头条为大家带来的深入了解托福写作5问5答 托福考试,感谢您的观看托福相关资讯。本站提供托福培训、资讯、资料,详细联系我微信:18560125702喜欢记得点赞哦,教育宝头条,每天都为你带来新鲜的学习资讯,别忘了关注哦。返回教育宝头条


