What is the professor’s attitude toward…
What is the professor’s opinion of …
What does the professor think of …
首先从题干中可以看到很明显的关键词,首先要看清楚是问谁的态度,是教授还是学生,其次要根据题干关键词定位自己的笔记寻找相关信息。那么我们如何在听力过程中判断哪里是教授或学生的态度观点?有时教授会通过语音语调直接表达自己对某事的态度,有时文章中则会出现评价性的语言,语音语调比较明显,我们在听的时候基本可以 反应过来,即教授的重音、放慢语速或停顿。但有时候需要通过教授在讲课过程中使用的形容词或副词的感论坛彩来把握说话人的意图,其本质还是当我们听到评价性语言时,我们一定要注意记笔记。
如favorable, approval, enthusiastic , supportive,disapproval,suspicious, incredulous, skeptical, questionable等。
6.What is the professor's opinion about the newer muon detectors
A. She appreciates the help they provide despite the time they take to produce images.
B. She fears that many archaeologists will be unwilling to learn to use them.
C. She feels that they have greater potential in areas of science other than archaeology.
D. They provide more accurate information about the age of objects than older detectors did.
首先看到题号是第六题,大概率在后面一段出现相关信息,而且结尾的时候往往会出现一些观点信息,题干中关键词为newer muon detectors,所以我们应该寻找教授关于其相关的看法。
There's been a lot of work on these machines since then. And these problems have been solved by and large. That's not to saythe technology is perfect, it would be nice for example, to have a system that didn't take 6 months to produce an image. I suppose that's better than the year it took for the 1967 study to get results.
But still...well, there is good reason to believe thatwith better equipment, we're going to see muon detectors used much more frequently.

红字标出的即为在听力过程中重点要去听的信号词,其后面的信息往往为出题点,特别是这些句子之间的逻辑关系一定要在听的时候搞清楚,是递进还是转折还是让步,这样记笔记才能更有效率。所以根据我们记到的关键信息,“不是说这个技术完美,(言外之意有缺陷),即take 6 months to produce an image”,接着看后面的转折,But still...well, there is good reason to believe thatwith better equipment…即仍然有理由相信如果有更好的设备,我们将更频繁地使用介子探测器。说明教授还是持积极的态度,对这个技术是看好的。所以回到选项中应该是选正面的选项,A中的appreciate即表达了教授的态度,还涉及到了成像时间。选项B态度错误,C无中生有,原文没有进行比较,D也是无中生有。