Celebrities'Words on Weibo
At present, celebrities'Weibo posts have become an important source of releasing informationand creating public opinions. Various media are also keen on disseminating opinions expressedby celebrities on their Weibo posts, collaborating to make them become hot issues. Ascelebrities and public figures have numerous fans and a greater right of say, they should bemore obligated than ordinary people to take more responsibilities for the society. When makingtheir remarks on Weibo, celebrities should take a responsible attitude and exercise theirfreedom of speech with caution.

1.信息发布和舆论制造:可译为release information and create public opinions,其中“舆论”即公众的观点,可译为public opinions。
3.话语权:翻译为right of say,为固定表达,也可译为freedom of speech。
4.以负责任的态度谨慎使用…:翻译为be responsible and careful in using...