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托福考试词汇记忆 托福备考

学习经验 托福

2018年12月27日 17:08:54
1、vt. 使结合
to join (things) together 例:The poster was bonded to the wall with glue 用胶水把海报贴到墙上。
2、vi. 建立(人与人之间的)关系
to form a close relationship with someone 例:We were strangers at first, but we bonded (with each other) quickly. 我们本来素不相识,后来很快就熟络起来了。
3、n. (亲密)关系;联系;纽带
the condition of being held together or joined 例:The experience created a very close bond between us. 这段经历加深了我们之间的感情。
4、n. 债券
an official document in which a government or company promises to pay back an amount of money that it has borrowed and to pay interest for the borrowed money 例:The research will be financed by government bonds. 债券将会是主要的研究资金。
5、n. (化学)键
the way in which atoms are held together in a chemical compound
1、Competition for good farmland may also have prompted people to bond together to assert rights over the best fields. 对良田的竞争使得也使得人们团结在一起维护自己拥有较好地段的权利。
2、And skilled craft workers, who spearheaded the union movement, did not feel a particularly strong bond with semiskilled factory workers and unskilled laborers. 那些熟练工艺师,也就是工会运动的先驱,并不会对半熟练的工厂工人和不熟练劳工产生一种特别深厚的感情。
3、化学键 chemical bond; 氢键 hydrogen bond 公债 government bond;企业债券 corporate bond 判断下列句子中bond的意思。

1.Over time, dust particles within a gas clump coalesce, bond together and eventually fall toward the center creating a core.
2.She has invested most of her money in stocks and bonds.
3. His affiliation with the Jewish people was the strongest bond in his life, even though he did not adhere to the rituals of the religion. (注: 练习答案下拉至底部可见)
常见搭配: bond market 债券市场 in bond (进口货物)保税 近义词: bind(v.)捆绑;约束



