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雅思口语精讲为什么有些人不喜欢道歉 雅思口语考试

学习经验 雅思

2018年12月27日 17:46:44
Why some people don't like to apologize ? Describe a time that you felt angry .
解析: 为什么很多人不喜欢道歉? 我觉得有两个点可以说 : 1. 很多人觉得道歉是很伤自尊的事情。 2. 有些人认为一旦承认了自己的错误, 别人会推脱他们的责任, 并且会变本加厉的指责他们。
1.Admissions of wrong doing are threatening for those people , who don’t like to say sorry, because they have trouble separating their actions from their character. They would think something like: If they did something bad, they must be bad people; Therefore, apologies represent a major threat to their sense of identity and self-esteem, even cause them to feel shame.
2.They may fear their apology will make them assume full responsibility and open the floodgates to further accusations and conflict. Once they admit one wrongdoing, the other people will pile on all the previous offenses for which they refused to apologize.
1.admissions of wrong doing: 承认错误行为
2.separating their actions from their character:把他们的行为和性格分离开
3.admissions of wrong doing are threatening for those people , who don’t like to say sorry , because they have trouble separating their actions from their

character:对于那些不愿意轻易道歉的人来说承认错误不是件简单的事情,因为他们总是把做错事情归结于他们的个性(认为他们就是这样的, 而且并没有什么问题)
4.sense of identity and self-esteem:身份和自尊
5.assume full responsibility: 承担全部的责任
6.they may fear their apology will make them assume full responsibility and open the floodgates to further accusations and conflict: 他们可能会担心一旦他们道歉让让他们承担所有的责任, 而且会带来更多的指责和冲突



