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2018年12月05日 09:35:10
一 . 实例讲解如何灵活运用语料
例 1: Agree or disagree: Parents should use money as incentive for kids to behave well in school ( 2016-5-29 )
例 2: What should parents do to help their children develop money management skills ( 2016 )
例 3: What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach their children Explain your idea with specific reasons and details. ( 2016-4-23 )
这三道题都是比较常见的 " 育儿话题 ",但是把它们放在一起,可以产生非常奇妙的 " 化学反应 "。例 1 中的 Parents should use money as incentive for kids to behave well in school 稍加改写,马上就可以作为例 2 What should parents do to help their children develop money management skills 的一条答案。而例 2 的 "money management skills" 转过身又可以回答例 3 中的 "the most important thing that parents should teach their children"
二 . 发散思维运用语料
1. 家长 - 孩子 ;
2. 教师 - 学生 ;
3. 老板 - 员工。
这三种人物关系有何共通之处呢 很明显,就是他们都是某种意义上的 " 上下级关系 "。如此一来,适用于上下级关系的语料, 就可以尽情套用啦。其中 to be motivated 是一个非常好的切入点。如上文 例 1,可以使用以下逻辑链: ( if money is used as incentive ) children will be motivated – work harder at school – better performance and higher grades;

除此之外,另一道关于 " 老板 - 员工 " 的真题也可以套用这个思路:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: boss should maintain close friendship with employees ( 20161015 ) .
完全照搬逻辑链: ( if boss became close friends with employees ) they will be largely motivated – feel trusted – work harder, more dedicated to their jobs – good for the company.
说到这里,大家应该很通透了吧 顺便考考各位,这道真题应该如何套用以上语料呢
Some teachers would give surprise quiz. Do you think this is a good idea Why or why not



