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2018年12月英语四级解析阅读理解长难句 备考四级

学习经验 四级六级考试

2018年11月24日 11:47:43
一、 But it hasn't reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (签字国) didn't adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets. (08.6 Passage 1)
分析主干:it hasn't reduced emissions and signatories didn't adopt policies
本句是and 连接两个分句构成的并列句.前一分句中,括号里的内容是插入成分,用以说明二氧化碳排放量不仅没有减少,反而增加了。后一个分句的宾语是policies,它有一个形容词短语tough enough 作修饰语。
译文:但是它并没有起到减少二氧化碳的排放量(自从1990 年以来上升了25%)的作用,并且许多签字国并没有采取足够严格的政策来尽力完成他们所制定的2008-2012 年度的目标。
二、In fact, New York‘s municipal water for more than a century was called the champagne of tap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. (06.12 Passage 1)
分析主干:New York’s municipal water was called the champagne and considered the best
本句是复合谓语句,由and 并列连接两个谓语动词。the champagne 是主语补足语,in terms of...表示“从......角度而言”。
译文:实际上,纽约市的自来水曾有100 多年被人们称为“自来水中的香槟”,并且从味道和纯度来看,直到最近还被认为是世界上最好的用水之一。
三、Regar dless of how it‘s sold, the popularity of bottled water taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity. (06.12 Passage 1)
分析主干:the popularity... taps into...
短语介词Regardless of 后面接了一个how 引导的宾语从句,作让步状语:“不管......”。谓语动词tap into 表示“开发,发掘”,后面通常接“能源”之类的宾语,句中接了三个表示“愿望”的名词作宾语,our desire (for...), our wish,以及a longing (for...)。
四、"Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. (06.12 Passage 2)
分析主干:"Wellness"may be viewed not as a state but as an ideal
not... but...用来连接两个并列的成分,并对其中之一予以否定。对另一个予以肯定。句中两个that 引导的定语从句,分别修饰a state 和an ideal。

五、In a country that defines itself by ideals, not by shared blood, who should be allowed to come, work and live here? (06.6 Passage 2)
分析主干:who should be allowed to...
1.句子主干部分是一个特殊疑问句,用了被动语态。三个不定式短语to come,work and live here 作主语的补足语。2.句首表示地点的介词短语In a country 在句中作地点状语,后面的that 引导定语从句修饰a country,by... not by...是并列结构,表示“由......而不是由......(决定)”。

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