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GMAT语法知识汇总 GMAT考试

学习经验 GMAT

2018年11月21日 21:51:39
小编为大家带来知识:LIKE与AS,希望对大家GMAT备考有所帮助。like 和as 是比较常见的比较词,like是介词,也就意味着其后面需要加名词,代词或名词短语,不能加句子或介词短语。而对于as 可以当作介词或连词,也就是说其后面可以跟名词性的成分或句子:
◆ Wrong: LIKE her brother DID, Ava acedthe test.
◆ Right: AS her brother DID, Ava acedthe test.上例中her brother DID 是一个句子,其为谓语动词是did,所以要用as来进行连接。 like指相似的意思,作为介词后面必须跟名词,用来修饰前面的动词或名词,来形成一种比较。在SC部分,特别要注意在句尾的like :
(1) I want to coach divers LIKE GregLouganis.= I want to coach divers WHO ARE LIKEGreg Louganis. OR= I want to coach divers IN THE SAME WAYAS Greg Louganis does.
(2) I want to coach divers, LIKE GregLouganis. 注意like前面的逗号= LIKE Greg Louganis, I want to coachdivers. (他coachesdivers而我也想这么做)unlike 在中很常见,其用法和like相同,在句尾只要不产生歧义就行:Most materials under a wide range ofconditions resist the flow of electric current to some degree, UNLIKEsuperconductors, which demonstrate zero electrical resistance. 注:like 在平时会被人误用作表示列举,但在中只有such as 才有这功能。而as 可以作为介词也可以作为连词,当as 作为连词的时候通常的用法有这几种:
◆ 表示持续的As: AS I strolled to the store, Ismelled the air. (= while, during)
◆ 表示原因的As: I will not tell you, AS youalready know. (= since, because)
◆ 表示比较的As: You should walk AS she wantsyou to. (= in the same way)而表示比较的as 在GMAT考试中是最重要的一种用法,有时会和just, so, 还有so too 连用。
◆ JUST AS the trains were lateyesterday, the buses are late today.
◆ JUST AS the trains were lateyesterday, SO TOO are they late today.而作比较用的as 不单单只能边句子,也可以连接短语:AS in the previous case, the judge tookan early break.当as 作为介词使用时,也基本满足下面三种用法:
◆ 表示作用的As: AS your leader, I am incharge. (= in the role of)

◆ 表示相等的As: I think of you AS my friend.(= you are my friend)
◆ 表示阶段的As: AS a child, I thought I couldfly. (= when I was)而对于当介词用的as 并没有相似的意思:
◆ I will jump up LIKE a clown. (= in aclownish manner)
◆ I will jump up AS a clown. (= in aclown suit!)所以要使用as 来比较就要在句子中使用,最常用的as 的用法是as ... as... 第一个as 后跟形容词或副词,第二个as 后跟名词、短语甚至句子,

好了,以上就是GMAT语法知识汇总 GMAT考试的介绍,如对本文有疑问或者想了解更多GMAT信息,请与我们联系,我的微信18560125702。教育宝是一家教培行业第三方平台,5年以上工作经验的学习顾问能给你最客观公正的建议,帮你辨别课程好坏,为你提供学习帮助。返回教育宝头条


