Giving examples:For example, For instance, Namely常用的就是for example和for instance, namely 用在解释或者说出什么事物的名称中,表达“也就是说”、“换言之就是”的意思。作插入语多。举个例子:There are two problems: namely , the expense and the time.
Adding information
And ,In addition ,As well as ,Also ,Too, furthermore, Moreover ,Apart from ,In addition to ,Besidesand的用法:当然是用在两者之间。We discussed training, education and the budget.also的用法:增加别的概念或者强调时用。但不能在雅思口语考试中用在句首。
举个例子:We also spoke about marketing.
如果你希望在句首表达”also”,就可以用 In addition, or In addition to this…
As well as 用法:可以用于句首或者中间。
举个例子:As well as the costs, we are concerned by the competition.
Summarising:In short, In brief, In summary, To summarize, In a nutshell, To conclude, In conclusion ,我们经常用这些词汇在写作和口语中表示总结。注意:In a nutshell是非正式表达,经常用于口语而非写作。

sequencing ideas :The former, … the latter, Firstly, secondly, finally. The first point is, Lastly, The following
举个例子:Marketing and finance are both covered in the course. The former is studied in the first term and the latter is studied in the final term.
Firstly, … secondly, … finally (or lastly ) 在陈列信息时很有用
The following 作为下一段陈述的开头居多
举个例子:The following people have been chosen to go on the training course: N Peters, C Jones and A Owen.
Giving a result :Therefore, Consequently, As a result
举个例子:The companies are expanding. Therefore / So / Consequently / As a result , they are taking on extra staff.