题号 内容 Question 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Friends can maintain friendship even if they have disagreement with each other. Question 2 Reading part Listening part 【学校通知】: The university plans to allow beverages in the library because drinking coffee can help students study better, and it won't cause big damage on books or furniture if students are careful enough.
【学生态度】:The woman holds a negative idea. First, there is a coffee shop nearby, and it's only 2 minutes' walk from the library, so it is quite convenient and there is no need to have this permission. Second, accidents cannot be avoided. If accidents occur, books and furniture will be damaged, it would take much more time and money to clean it up. Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion. Question 3 Reading part Listening part 【名词解释】: Role-playing selling: a process to train employees, 比如一个人扮演
销售,一个人扮演顾客,通过role-playing exercise来获得销售经验。 【教授举例】: 教授举了他brother的例子,他的兄弟是卖车的,

让employees play the role of salesmen and customers,然后提问一些对车子感兴趣的问题,来锻炼销售能力。 Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。 Question 4 【讲课要点】:有第三人介入帮助两人解决问题,分为两种情况。 一种情况是mediation, 例子是两个室友出现了矛盾,找一个朋友,通过和两个人交流达成妥协,想出一个双方都同意的解决方案; 第二种情况是arbitration, 例子仍然是两个室友有矛盾,叫第三者来听双方的story, 然后agree with one roommate, disagree with another。不管两个人是否同意,都要按照第三个人的想法来执行。