virtually 事实上; 几乎
Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges. 事实上所有的烹饪都是在烧煤的炉灶上完成的。
to be virtually impossible 几乎是不可能的
Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax.差不多所有的学生都可免此税项。
He virtually admitted he was guilty.他实际上已承认自己有罪。
This year's results are virtually the same as last year's.今年的结果几乎和去
Thisimpliedthere would bevirtuallynoinflationat all, on average, over thenextdecade.这意味着 , 在未来十年内, 平均而言 将几乎没有任何通货膨胀。
individually 分别地;单独地;各别地

The teacher talked to his students individually. 老师找学生们个别谈话。
You want to be people who really want to be great individually but you also need good teamwork.你想成为杰出的个体,但是你总会需要团体协作。
individually wrapped chocolates 独立包装的巧克力
The manager spoke to them all individually. 经理逐一和他们各人谈话。
The hotel has 100 individually designed bedrooms. 这家旅馆有100个
not necessarily 未必
‘We're going to lose.’ ‘Not necessarily.’ “我们会输的。”“未必。”
The more expensive articles are not necessarily better. 较贵的东西不见得就较好。