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学习经验 雅思

2020年06月12日 08:39:49
Describe a family member you spend most time with You should say:
Who this person is
What kind of person he/ she is
What you usually do together
And explain why you spend most time with him/her
Well, this is really a hard topic to me, I began to live in school since junior high school, so for many years, I seldom live with my family.
Actually, I have a big family, except my parents, I also have a younger sister and a little brother. When I was home, I spent most of time with my younger sister. Just like me, she is cute and smart, and she is really considerate even though she is only 14 years old. When my mom leave our family, I mean after she divorce from my dad, my sister has been looking after my brother all the time.
Every time I go back home, I will share the housework with my sister. Usually, I cook the meal and she will wash the dishes and do the laundry. After all the work, we will study or play video games together, or sometimes we will go out for shopping ,playing or something else.

In a nutshell, the time I spent with my younger sister is always fulfilling and enjoyable, so I really glad that she will be there in my life.
嗯,这对我来说真的是一个很难的话题,我从初中开始住在学校,所以多年来,我很少和家人住在一起。事实上,我有一个大家庭,除了我的父母,我还有一个妹妹和一个弟弟。 当我在家的时候,我大部分时间都和我妹妹在一起。 就像我一样,她既可爱又聪明,即使她只有14岁,她也真的很体贴。当我妈妈离开我们家时,我是说她和我爸爸离婚后,我妹妹一直在照顾我弟弟。每次我回家,我都会和姐姐分担家务。 通常,我做饭,她会洗碗和洗衣服。 在所有的工作之后,我们将一起学习或玩电子游戏,或者有时我们会出去购物,玩或其他什么。 总之,我和妹妹在一起的时间总是充实和愉快的,所以我真的很高兴她会在我的生活中。



