Henry purchased 3 items during a sale. He received a 20 percent discount off the regular price of the most expensive item and a 10 percent discount off the regular price of each of the other 2 items. Was the total amount of the 3 discounts greater than 15 percent of the sum of the regular prices of the 3 items?
(1) The regular price of the most expensive item was $50, and the regular price of the next most expensive item was $20. (当3项只提供了其中两项数据时,要注意是否可以通过大小比较得到第三个数据的范围。类似题很多,均为陷阱) (2) The regular price of the least expensive item was $15.

【答案】A 135. 13860-!-item-!-187;#058&009754 During a one-day sale, a store sold each sweater of a certain type for $30 more than the store's cost to purchase each sweater. How many of these sweaters were sold during the sale? (1) During the sale, the total revenue(收入!不是利润!!) from the sale of these sweaters was $270.
(2) During the sale, the store sold each of these sweaters at a price that was 50 percent greater than the store's cost to purchase each sweater. 【答案】C 139. 14108-!-item-!-187;#058&009811 A set of 15 different integers has a median of 25 and a range of 25. What is the greatest possible integer that could be in this set?