be born出生 start school入学 immigrate graduate毕业
learn to drive学习开车
join the army参军 get a job就业 become a citizen成为公民
rent an apartment租公寓 go to college 上大学 fall in love恋爱 get married 结婚
have a baby 生孩子 travel旅游 buy a house买房子 move搬家
have a grandchild获得孙子/孙女 die死亡 milestone里程碑 turning point 转折点
memorable 印象深刻 an eye-opening experience/ an eye opener 打开眼界的事情
take… seriously 认真做… put all my effort in …全力以赴干…

impressed 印象深刻 inspired 受激励 realize the importance of …意识到… 的重要性
jump up for job快乐的跳起来 have the time of my life 玩的非常快乐
shocked 惊呆了 in a daze 呆 celebrate 庆祝
birth certificate 出生证 diploma 文凭 degree学位 resident alien card居留卡
driver’s license 驾照 social security card社会保险卡
certificate of naturalization 入籍证明 marriage license 结婚证 passport and visa护照/签证
recall 回忆 deep impression印象深刻 effect on me对我的影响
think it over反复思考 stay in my mind留在我的心里