托福写作中是必须要写的吗?答案是可以写也可以不写。考生可以在作文中提出支持自己观点的两个或三个正面理由【也就是我们常常听到的“五段三点式(开头 三个主题段落 结尾)”和“四段两点式(开头 两个主题段落 结尾)”】其实就可以完全得出我们的结论了。
所谓的让步段只出现在五段三点式的文章中。当然,不是所有的五段三点式文章都适合使用让步段,但是对于**类型的话题,也就是说在文章的题目中有明显的极限类型副词:“always”,“only”,“never”,“rarely”,等等,例如:business people are only motivated by the desire of more money. Do you agree or disagree? 或者是题干关键词太过于特指,例如:playing computer games is a waste of time for children. Do you agree or disagree? 这种类型的作文题目本身观点的反面是不能被忽略的,建议好能给出一个让步段,这样才不会显得自己的观点过于狭隘和牵强。
让步段的标识词:admittedly, undoubtedly, undeniably, doubtlessly
短语:to some extent, to some degree
从句:there is no denying that ......, It cannot be denied that ......
不建议使用让步性状语从句引导词,although,even though,和though,这样很容易让主题句无法展开,达不到让步的效果。
例如:playing computer games is a waste of time for children? Do you agree or disagree?
Admittedly, playing computer games does bring harms to children. Since children are young and lack of self-discipline so that some children are addicted to computer games and thereby ignoring their studies and suffereing from poor academic performance. Also, frequent exposure to computer games could also contribute negative influence to their physical and mental development. However, if children are able to control themselves and parents could intervene and supervise their children in playing computer games, that is to say, setting up strict rules on how much time their children could play computer games per day, then it is unnecessary to forbid children to play computer games.

例如:the government should focus more on environmental problems and less on economic development. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Admittedly, economic development is crucial to a nation. Since an economic prosperity not only provides the opportunity to a nation to solve conflicts between sustainable development and nature but also enhances its people’s life quality. However, if the government only pays attention to the economic growth and ignores the preservation of environment, sooner or later, the nation itself and its people will suffer the problems brought by the poor environmental conditions. Therefore, whenever an economic decision to be made, the related environmental concerns ought to be taken into consideration to prevent the potential threats.