托福口语大概就是托福考试中一道过不去的坎。 你说托福口语简单,确实也可以说是“简单”。它一共就四道题目,每一道题目的形式都是固定的。不管你基础再弱,随随便便去考一下,也能拿到十来分。 可是你要说它难,也确实很难。基础比较弱的同学想拿到18分以上都得使出浑身解数,而许多本来
英语很好,听力阅读都能拿到28,29甚至满分的同学,口语怎么也上不了25分。 今天我们就来聊聊独立口语部分该怎么答才能达到高分水准?
电脑读题的时候申请题目,A/D题型审1点,Paired-choice 题型审3点。
第二步:15秒准备时间处理O12(opinion, point 1, point 2),若只想出 opinion,答题时只能 improvise,风险极大;若只想出1个 point,即为单核心1 7拓展;若想出2个 points,即为双核心1 3 1 3拓展。
第三步:根据保3分心态或者满分心态答题,两者区别很大,请见例题。 例题: Do you agree or disagree that people from simple and ordinary background can lead a person to becoming the best government leader? 例题参考答案 保3分的答题技巧:会说什么说什么。即先看自己储备的模板或者段子哪些能够套用,再选择观点。 Point:模板 知识 Opinion:同意 参考思路: 我同意这个说法,比如我的邻居Steven,他只是一个普通人,无权无势,因此他更加学习,他相信:“知识是很强大的力量...(此处套用段子)”。所以后来他成为了很棒的市长。
满分答题技巧:想说什么说什么。即表达心中真实所想,单或双核心展开,难点是对于英文实力和知识储备要求较高。 Point:历史上的大多数领导人都不是平民出身 Opinion:不同意 参考答案: After carefully considering the question, I would say that I disagree that coming from a simple background can lead a person to becoming the best government leader, because the historical facts are just the opposite. Throughout history, great leaders are too many toenumerate, but a few of them have or had a simple background. For example, the first president of the United States, George Washington, was a rich land owner, a brave soldier and a smart entrepreneur. And Theodore Roosevelt was born into a great family that has been around for more than 3 centuries. So my point is, before becoming the best government leader, you need a stage to perform. However, only those with strong backgrounds can have such a chance.