今天真热呀! It's very hot today, isn't it? *isn't it? 带有“真……呀!”的语感。 Isn't it hot today? Today's a scorcher. *scorcher 为口语,“太阳火辣辣的天气”。 天气炎热。 It's blistering hot. It's extremely hot.
今天的天气真好! It's a fine day today. It's beautiful today. It's nice today.
明天的天气怎么样? What's the forecast for tomorrow? What's the forecast for tomorrow? (明天的天气怎么样?) It's going to be cold. (会冷吧。) What will the weather be like tomorrow? What's the weather going to be tomorrow? What's tomorrow's forecast?
今天的天气怎么样? How's the weather today? How's the weather today? (今天的天气怎么样?) It's hot. (今天很热。)
今天会下雨吗? Is it going to rain today? Is it going to rain today?(今天会下雨吗?) I doubt it. (我想不会。)

好像要下雨。 We're expecting some rain. It's going to rain. It's supposed to rain. Rain is expected. I heard it might rain. (我听说今天可能下雨。)
下雨了。 It's raining.
今天会下雨吧! It's going to rain today. It will rain today.
今天很热。 It's hot today.
今天很暖和。 It's warm today. It's a warm day.
今天很冷。 It's cold today. It's cold today. (今天很冷。)