1.abundant(a否定前缀 bound边界 adj后缀--无边界的即为大量存在的)-plentiful-大量的
2.accelerate(ac朝,向 celer速度 ate动词后缀--向着速度提升的方向即为加速)-increase-加大 eg.Genetic engineering allows people to nurture(培养)abundant crop varieties that are resistant to drought, thereby accelerating land productivity.
3.accessible(ac朝,向 cess走 ible形容词后缀--向着走进的即为可用的)-available-可用的 eg.Numen wondered whether there was a way accessible to G. 4.account(ac一再 count计算--一再结算即为评估报账---报账时候的说辞即为解释)-explain-解释 eg.Numen accounted for her abrupt confession to G as a sense of farewell ceremony.
5.accumulate(ac一再 cumul块,堆 ate动词后缀--一再堆块即为收集)-collect-收集 eg.The debris that accumulated at the foot of the volcano reached a depth, in places, of 200 feet. 6.adhere(add here--加到这里即为黏附)-stick-黏附 eg.Our firm has a set of standards which adhere to international requirements. 7.adjunct(add junction--加到连接处即为附着物)-addition-附着物 eg.Rather than be an administrator of the world, I would like to be your adjunct. 8.administered(windows系统里面的管理员为administrator)-managed-管理
9.adorn(谐音耳洞--耳洞是用来装饰的)-decorate-装饰 eg.She adroned the car with furry dice just because he had ever left a rose there.
10.adversely(ad反 vers转 e ly-negatively-不利地 eg.Some people disapprove of genetical modified food, as they believe that this type of food dose adversely to people's health.
11.aesthetically(aes谐音一丝 the定冠词 tic形容词后缀 ly副词后缀--一丝不苟的查看--对于值得审美的东西)-artistically-审美地 eg.It does not aim to produce just an aesthetic impression.
13.alert-wary(w vary--对变化的事物能够感知到的--机敏的)-机敏的
14.alternative-optional-替代 eg.When I come across you, I have no optional.
15.altogether(al-all together-一起--所有的放在一起--altogether全部的)completely-完全地 eg.It comes to an altogether sorrowful end. 16.ancillary(an一个 cill基石 ary形容词后缀--只是它的一个基石而已--附属的)-secondary-附属的 eg.Under the framework of the ancillary services pricing, this dissertation analyzes the value compensating mechanism of the pumped-storage plant.
17.annihilate(an-向,朝 nhil-nothing--使得情况向着归无的方向发展--消灭)-conquer-消灭 eg.We must manage to annihilate the terrorists.
18.antagonist(an一个 tag标签--被附上一个标签的人--敌人)-enemy-对手,敌人 eg.He falled in love with the daughter of his father's antagonist.
19.antecedent (ante在前-ced走 ent名词后缀--走在前面的人即为先驱)-predecessor-先驱
20.anticipate(anti前面,先 cip-take ate--在前面抓的即为占先,预期)-look forward to-渴望