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学习经验 剑桥英语

2021年08月16日 08:39:51
1.Come a little early, leave a lot early.
Early morning, when everything is quiet and your energy is high, is a great time for productivity. Many people report they can leave two hours early if they add an hour at the beginning of the day.在一大早上,周围很安静,你精力旺盛,就是创造力高的时期。许多人都表示,如果他们每天提早一个小时上班,他们就可以提前两个小时下班了。
2. Stay focused and deliberate.保持注意力集中,从容应对。
Remember the old adage that 20 percent of your work produces 80 percent of the results you want? Learn to ignore what is distracting; there is no need to respond to everything. Don't check your email, don't check your phone, tune out the news--nothing is as important as the task at hand. Treat your focused time like money and be frugal with that resource.还记得这句古老的谚语“20%的工作产生80%的你想要的结果“吗?学会忽略那些让你分心的事情,你没有必要事事回应。不要查看邮件,手机,屏蔽那些信息——因为没有任何一件事比你手头的任务更重要。像对待金钱一般你的专注的时间,节约时间。
3. Look at your priorities.关注优先处理事项。
We all tend to gravitate to tasks that are enjoyable and easy, but efficiency says to start with the most important. Make it urgent and get it out of the way--then you can do the more pleasant work.我们常常都受简单轻松的任务所吸引,喜欢先做简单的事,但工作效率要求我们先从更重要的任务开始做起。把它作为紧急任务并着力完成它,接下来你就可以完成更轻松的任务了。
4. Say no to multitasking.拒绝处理多重任务。
When you try to do 10 things at once, you end up doing none of them well. Multitasking slows you down and prevents you from processing and retaining information. Often, you'll have to go back and reread or redo something. Instead, do one task at a time, stay present, and do it well.当你尝试同时完成10件事情的时候,没有一件事情你能很好地完成。同时处理多重任务会降低你效率还会阻碍你对信息的处理和吸收。并且常常,你还得回头查看和重做某些任务。所以你应该相反地,一次完成一件任务,保持状态,然后好好地完成它。

5. Manage interruptions.处理干扰事项。
Every interruption, however brief, means you have to spend time regaining focus. If you can, limit your accessibility. Schedule open-door office hours when people can come to you with questions and issues, and protect your focus for the rest of your time.每一件干扰的事情,无论多么简单,都意味着你需要重新花时间恢复注意力。如果可以,你的可亲近范围。把会客时间设置在某个时间段,让同事们在这个段时间内找你讨论问题和事情,然后把其他时间专注在自己的事情上。
6. Tame your email.减少查看邮件的时间。
Most of us spend an enormous amount of time checking and answering email. But there are things you can do to make it far less time-consuming and distracting:很多人常常把大量的时间投入到查看和回复邮件上。不过实际上你可以做一些事去改善,让你感觉和分心:
Schedule specific times to check and respond to email, ideally during your less productive time. Let people know your schedule and when to expect a response.为检查和回复邮件设定一个固定的时间段,理想情况下是自己创造力较低的时间段。让对方知道你的时间安排和接收邮件的时间。
Create "urgent" and "read later" folders to process email.创建“紧急“和“待阅“文件夹把邮件区分开来。
Turn off notifications.关掉那些提醒。
Delete or archive things you won't need.除或存档那些你不需要的东西。
Keep your email program closed to eliminate the temptation to check in throughout the day.把邮件功能关闭以减少一天中查看邮件的诱惑。
7.Get organized.保持井然有序。
Organization is a powerful way to find more time in your day, and plays an important role in how much you accomplish. Even if you have to invest a few hours in getting organized, it will pay off quickly.条理化是一个非常强大的方法让你为自己节省更多时间,并且对你的成功至关重要。即使你花了几个小时才把事情整理完毕,它也会给你很好的回报。



