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学习经验 考研

2020年03月02日 15:00:19
备战考研英语,大众考生的第 一反应便是从英语词汇入手。记住学会一个单词不仅仅是拼写重点掌握的还有这个词的词性,各种语境下的语义。小编分享“2021考研英语词汇备考:blank的中文意思”内容,希望能给备战2021考研考生提供帮助~
副词 1.空白的,空着的 2.茫然的,无表情的 3.空的;无图画(或标记、装饰)的 4.完全的;彻底的 5.单调沉闷的,无聊的,乏味的,无变化的;无洞孔的;无装饰物的;不感兴趣的;无希望的,茫茫的 6.无趣的,失色的,发呆的,木然的 7.不知所措的,慌乱的,张皇失措的;迷惑不解的,惶惑的;为难的;惊愕的,惊呆的;说不出话的 8.没有收益的,(植物等)不结果实的,不出产的;荒芜不毛的;饥荒的 9.十足的,不折不扣的;绝顶的;纯粹的 10.缺乏主要(或应有)特征(或特色)的,缺少某些成分的,如墙无窗(或门)的
n. 1.(纸等的)空白(尤指表格的空白) 2.空白表格(或证件) 3.(书正文前后的)空白页,扉页 4.空地,空处,空间;空闲时间
及物动词: 1.取消,作废;除(文字等),除去,擦掉(字迹等);使无效(常与out连用) 2.使被忘却;使模糊不清(常与out连用) 3.封锁;使不能通行;封死(油管等)(常与off, up连用)
词形变化 形容词比较级 blanker,blankest
副词 blankly 名称 blankness
时态 blanked,blanked,blanking,blanks
单词分析 这些形容词都有“空的”之意。 empty指空无一人或一物,或空洞无意义的。 vacant普通用词,侧重某物或某个位置没有被占用。 hollow指物体中间是空的。 blank指上面没有写字、印刷或做记号的空白表面,或指上面留着准备被填写的空白处。 open指未被占有,从而可被别人得到的。
英语解释 void of expression a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet (of a surface) not written or printed on not charged with a bullet keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning a substitute for a taboo word a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing a piece of material ready to be made into something a blank gap or missing part
例句 I recognized the blank, resentful stare of incomprehension in her eyes, and the selfish, hard set of the corners of her mouth 我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的、愤恨的、难以理解的眼光,我看到她那自私的、抿得紧紧的嘴角。 Every time I saw poor Bounce' s empty house, his forlorn blanket, his food dish, I seethed with hatred for the animal that had taken my best friend. 每当我看见可怜的鲍恩斯空荡荡的狗屋,它那再也用不上的毯子,它的食盆,我就禁不住怒火中烧,恨透了那畜生,因为它夺走了我要好的朋友的生命。 "Sorry , my mind 's go blank . " 对不起,我什么都想不起来函。 From the table drawer he took out a penholder, a bottle of ink, and a thick, quarto-sized blank book with a red back and a marbled cover 他从桌子抽屉里,拿出了一支笔杆,一瓶墨水,还有本厚厚的四开本日记簿,红色的书脊,大理石纹理的封面。 This time he heard every word, but, having lost the thread of what she was saying, he had no idea what she meant and just sat staring at her blankly 这回冯云卿听得很明白,然而因为跟上文不接气,他竟不懂得刘玉英的意思,他睁大了眼睛发楞。 In printing, micrometers are used to measure caliper, or thickness of paper and board, the thickness of blankets, plates, packing and other materials. 在印刷方面,千分尺用于量度纸厚;即纸或纸板的厚度,胶布,印版,垫料和其他物料的厚度。 She's a real wet Blanket. She started quarreling with Li Ling when every one of us was in high spirits. 她真是个令人扫兴的人。正当我们兴致勃勃的时候,她却跟李玲吵起架来了。 Do not invite Xiao Li to the party. She's such a wet Blanket. 千万别请小李来参加这次的舞会,她总是扫大家的兴。 He was alone, but he was not lost. He knew the way to their camp. There he would find food,bullets, and blankets. He must find them soon. 他独自一人,但没有迷路。他知道去营地的路。那里有吃的,有子弹,也有毛毡,他必须马上找到这些东西。 Llewellyn looked round hastily, and there, under the torn and bloodstained blankets, was his baby son, quite safe 卢埃林急忙回过头来一看,在那条被撕烂和沾满血污的毯子下面,发现了他的小儿子安然无恙。

相似短语 in blank 空白的,待填写的 blank ' 开天窗' amount to blank 等于零,毫无意义 an order blank 空白订单 blank line n.[计]空行 blank off v.封锁 blank out 取消,掉,忘记 blank screen n.[计]黑屏 blank cheque 空白支票 a cheque that has been signed but on which the amount payable has not been specified , so tha blank credit 空额信用证,信用票据
相似单词 blank a. 1.空白的,空着的 2.茫然的,无表情的 3.空的;无图画(或标记、装饰)的 4.完全的;彻底的 5.单调沉闷的,无聊的,乏味的,无变化的;无洞孔的;无装饰物的;不感兴趣的 denture blank 托牙基型 point blank a. 直射的,由正面的,率直的,干脆的 ad. 直线地,正面地,露骨地 cutting blank 采伐迹地 blank and burst 通信类名词,空白突发 blankety blank a. 可恨的,毫无道理的 ad. 可恨地,毫无道理地 work blank 【化】 毛坯



