① 指代内容必须存在,且以名词的形式出现
The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to it.
IT的先行词;应把句子改成The rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to the park. The energy source on Voyager 2 is not a nuclear reactor, in which atoms are actively broken apart;rather a kind of nuclear battery that uses natural radioactive decay to produce power.
(A) apart, but rather (B) apart; it is that of
A 正确;B的话,that of没有指代对象
② 代词不能指代出现在前面介词短语中的名词
Laos has a land area about the same as Great Britainbut only four million in population, where many are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north.
③ 同一句话中相同的代词必须指代相同的事物
As a baby emerges from the darkness of the wombwith a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be ratedabout 20/500, orlegally blind if it were an adult withsuch vision.
a. A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind
b. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.

A 正确;B的话,两个it并没有一个明确的指代,而且先行词有两个;所以会造成语义指代歧义的可能。
④ 因为比较结构比较对象的一致性,有时用that of 指代前文出现的对象
Laos has a land area about the same as Great Britainbut only four million in population, where many are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north.
a. about the same as Great Britain but only four million in population, where many
b. comparable to that of Great Britain but a population of only four million people, many of whom
B中that of正确;土地和土地比;A中土地和国家比
EG:Her company is outperforming those of her compes.错,those与company不一致,应将those替换为companies.