Similarfinds in Corythosaurus specimens from Alberta, Canada, have also been reported, indicating that at least two kinds of Late Cretaceous hadrosaurs fed on the sorts of tress that are common in today’s boreal woodlands.
规律1: 学术类的词可以跳读。看完Similar之后,从finds一直到indicating that全部可以跳过去
Many parts of plants and animals are extremely resistant to the digestive systems of animals and pass completely through the body with little or no alteration.
规律2:两个相同的逻辑放在一起,一般不需要考虑其区别 - little or no alteration
The problem with inferring diets from coprolites is the difficulty in accurately associatinga particular coprolite witha specific dinosaur.
规律3: associate A with B 的多义性:associate with可以单纯表示类似correspond to这样的对应,有的时候也可以用作其他逻辑,比如“因果”、“比较”
Without this knowledge we can appreciate only the formal content of Egyptian art, and we will fail to(否定) understand why(因果) it was produced or the concepts that shaped it and caused(因果) it to adopt its distinctive forms.
规律4: fail to作为否定。这样的隐含逻辑成分还有很多
In fact(可能表示隐含转折), a lack of(否定) understanding concerning the purposes of Egyptian art has often led it to(导致) be compared unfavorably with(比较,态度) the art of other cultures:
规律5: 比较 负面的态度 = 明确方向的比较。A be compared unfavorably with B的意思,大约等于A 没有 B好
Frontality is, however, directly related to(隐含因果) the functions of Egyptian statuary and the contexts in which the statues were set up.
规律6: 如果一个词不理解,又恰好后面有一个定语从句,可以结合理解。比如,context in which the statues were set up, 我们可以想, the statues were set up in some place, 那就先把context理解成some place,之后再结合后文理解

Statues were created not for(否定) their decorative effect but(转折,对比) to play a primary role in(态度) the cults of the gods, the king, and(并列) the dead.
规律7:如果A of B中有一方不理解,可以只理解另外一方。比如cults of god, 如果不理解cult,理解god也足够了
Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making(因果) it natural for the statue to display frontality
规律8:注意make, allow这样的隐含表达因果关系的词
Other(并列) statues were designed to be placed within an architectural setting
规律9:注意区分“有意义的词”和“无意义的词”。如本句中的statues were designed中的were designed 可以不用看
Stone statues were worked from single rectangular blocks of material and retained the compactness of the original shape.
规律10:V N of N,如果只能理解后面的N,也足够理解这个谓宾结构的含义。如本剧中的retain the compactness of the original shape, 我们可以根据original shape推断出整个成分的含义