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2020年02月05日 08:43:49
Part 1
ⅠOn July 2, 1866, Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of natural selection, wrote to Charles Darwin to mournhow he had been “so repeatedly struck bythe utter inability of numbers of intelligent persons to see clearly or at all, the self acting and necessary effects of Natural Selection, that I am led to conclude that the term itself and your mode of illustratingit, however clear and beautiful to many of us, are yet not the best adaptedto impress it on the general naturalist public.” The source of the misunderstanding, Wallace continued, was the name itself, in that it implies “the constant watching of an intelligent ‘chooser’ like man's selection to which you so often compare it,” and that “thought and direction are essential to the action of ‘Natural Selection.’” Wallace suggested re-defining the term and adopting Herbert Spencer's phrase “survival of the fittest.”
ⅡUnfortunately, that is what happened, and it led to two myths about evolution that persisttoday: that there is a predictable directionalityto evolution and that survival depends entirely on cutthroat competitive fitness.
ⅢContrary to the first myth, natural selection is a deion of a process, not a force. No one is “selecting” organismsfor survival in the benignsense of pigeon breedersselecting for desirable traits in show breedsor for extinction in the malignantsense of Nazis selecting prisoners at death camps. Natural selection is unpredictable—it cannot look forwardto anticipate what changes are going to be needed for survival.
ⅣNatural selection simply means that those individuals with variationsbetter suited to their environment leave behind more offspring than individuals that are less well adapted. This outcome is known as “differential reproductive success.”It may be, as the second myth holds, that organisms that are bigger, stronger, faster and brutishlycompetitive will reproduce more successfully, but it is just as likely that organisms that are smaller, weaker, slower and socially cooperative will do so as well.
ⅤThis second notion in particular makes evolution disagreeable for many people, because it covers the theory with darkness reminding us of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's “nature, red in tooth and claw.” Thomas Henry Huxley, Darwin's “ bulldog” defender, promoted this “ gladiatorial” view of life in a series of popular essays on nature “whereby the strongest, the swiftest, and the cunningestlive to fight another day.” The myth persists. Former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling misread biologist Richard Dawkins's book The Selfish Gene to mean that evolution is driven solely by ruthless competition, both between corporations and within Enron, leading to his notorious“ rank and yank” employee evaluation system, which resulted in massive layoffs and competitive resentment.
ⅥThis view of life need not have become the dominant one. In 1902 the Russian anarchistPetr Kropotkin published a denial to Huxley and Spencer in his book Mutual Aid. Calling outSpencer by phrase, Kropotkin observed: “If we... ask Nature: ‘who are the fittest: those who are continually at war with each other, or those who support one another?’ we at once see that those animals which acquire habits of mutual aid are undoubtedly the fittest.” Since that time science has revealed that species practice both mutual struggle and mutual aid. Darwinism, properly understood, gives us a dual dispositionof selfishness and selflessness, competitiveness and cooperativeness.
Part 2
1.mourn [m?:n] v. 哀悼, 忧伤 struck by 惊讶于……
3.illustrate [??l?stre?t] v. 阐述
4.adapted [?'d?pt?d] a. 适合的
5.persist [p??s?st] v. 存留、持续
6.directionality [d??rek??'n?l?t?] n. 方向性
7.organism [??:g?n?z?m] n. 生物体、有机体
8.benign [b??na?n] a. 善良的, 温和的
9.breeder [?bri:d?(r)] n. 饲养员
10.breed [bri:d] n. 品种
11.malignant [m??l?gn?nt] a. 邪恶的
12.look forward 向前看
13.variation [?ve?ri?e??n] n. 变异、变种
14.differential reproductive success 差别繁殖成功
15.brutishly [b'ru:t??l?] ad. 粗野地,残酷地
16.bulldog [?b?ld?g] n. 斗牛犬
17.cunning [?k?n??] a. 狡猾的
18.notorious [n???t?:ri?s] a. 臭名昭著的
19.resentment [r??zentm?nt] n. 愤恨,怨恨 out 向(某人)提出挑战
21.dual [?dju:?l] a. 双重的
22.disposition [?d?sp??z??n] n. 性情、性格
23.*gladiatorial [?ɡl?d??'t?:r??l] a. 角斗士的
24.*rank and yank 评级与,指的是一种把人分等次的考核制度
25.*anarchist [??n?k?st] n. 无者
Part 3
ⅠOn July 2, 1866, Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of natural selection, wrote to Charles Darwin to mournhow he had been “so repeatedly struck bythe utter inability of numbers of intelligent persons to see clearly or at all, the self acting and necessary effects of Natural Selection, that I am led to conclude that the term itself and your mode of illustratingit, however clear and beautiful to many of us, are yet not the best adaptedto impress it on the general naturalist public.” The source of the misunderstanding, Wallace continued, was the name itself, in that it implies “the constant watching of an intelligent ‘chooser’ like man's selection to which you so often compare it,” and that “thought and direction are essential to the action of ‘Natural Selection.’” Wallace suggested re-defining the term and adopting Herbert Spencer's phrase “survival of the fittest.”
点评:Ⅰ段追溯进化论两个误解的起源:华莱士建议达尔文将进化论的名字由“自然选择”改为“适者生存”。其中关键词有:①source of misunderstanding(误解的来源);②Natural Selection(自然选择);③survival of the fittest(适者生存)。衔接手段 本段关键人物Wallace多次复现,观点表述词wrote、continued、suggested步步深入,阐明Wallace观点和提议。
ⅡUnfortunately, that is what happened, and it led to two myths about evolution that persisttoday: that there is a predictable directionalityto evolution and that survival depends entirely on cutthroat competitive fitness.
点评:Ⅱ段承接上段,交代进化论名字的改变引起的两个误解。其中关键词有:two myths(两个误解)。衔接手段 ①Unfortunately对上述行为进行评价,作者的遗憾不言而喻:华莱士弄巧成拙,他的提议原本是为了避免误解,结果却造成更深的、一直延续至今的误解;②that回指首段华莱士“改名”的提议,it指代that is what happened,即“已改名”的事实;③predictable directionality和competitive fitness分别对应Natural Selection和survival of the fittest,揭示两个误解的内容。
ⅢContrary to the first myth, natural selection is a deion of a process, not a force. No one is “selecting” organismsfor survival in the benignsense of pigeon breedersselecting for desirable traits in show breedsor for extinction in the malignantsense of Nazis selecting prisoners at death camps. Natural selection is unpredictable—it cannot look forwardto anticipate what changes are going to be needed for survival.
点评:Ⅲ段批驳并解读对“自然选择”之误解。其中关键词有:①first myth(一个误解);②process (描述过程);③unpredictable(不可预测)。衔接手段 ①首句中contrary to the first myth表明本段将针对一种误解进行批驳;②首句指出“自然选择”描述的是一种过程,而非一种掌控力,第二句立即从善恶两个方面举例论证,第三句进行总结:自然选择是不可预测的(unpredictable)。这一结论与第二段的predictable形成鲜明对比,彻底反驳了一种误解;③本段中否定意义词contrary to、no one、cannot连续出现,传达出作者坚定的语气,也从反面表现出一种误解的荒谬性。
ⅣNatural selection simply means that those individuals with variationsbetter suited to their environment leave behind more offspring than individuals that are less well adapted. This outcome is known as “differential reproductive success.”It may be, as the second myth holds, that organisms that are bigger, stronger, faster and brutishlycompetitive will reproduce more successfully, but it is just as likely that organisms that are smaller, weaker, slower and socially cooperative will do so as well.

点评:Ⅳ段解读“自然选择”的真实意义。其中关键词有:better suited(更适应环境)。衔接手段 ①首句National selection与上段原词复现,保持了话题的一致性。本段与上段之间为驳论→立论关系:上段指出自然选择“不是主观选择性力量,不可预测”,本段阐明自然选择是“更适应环境的生物更能成功繁殖”;②第三句借助第二种误解来阐释“自然选择”深层含义,其中It may be, as...与 but it is just as...一方面揭示了“自然选择”的真正内容,另一方面也映射了第二种误解的片面性:只强调“强者成功繁衍”,未看到“弱者也可能成功繁衍”。
ⅤThis second notion in particular makes evolution disagreeable for many people, because it covers the theory with darkness reminding us of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's “nature, red in tooth and claw.” Thomas Henry Huxley, Darwin's “ bulldog” defender, promoted this “ gladiatorial” view of life in a series of popular essays on nature “whereby the strongest, the swiftest, and the cunningestlive to fight another day.” The myth persists. Former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling misread biologist Richard Dawkins's book The Selfish Gene to mean that evolution is driven solely by ruthless competition, both between corporations and within Enron, leading to his notorious“ rank and yank” employee evaluation system, which resulted in massive layoffs and competitive resentment.
点评:Ⅴ段介绍对“适者生存”的误解:将之等同于“弱肉强食”。其中关键词有:①second notion(第二点);②competition (竞争)。衔接手段 ①首句的This second notion回应上段末的the second myth,同时与第三段的the first myth遥相呼应,表明本段将针对第二种误解进行批驳;②前两句引用丁尼生和赫胥黎关于“适者生存”的表述(red in tooth and claw,the strongest, the swiftest, and the cunningest),深深传达出“适者生存”理论中敌对、竞争、厮杀等“弱肉强食”的思想;③第二句中this “gladiatorial” view of life回指首句中丁尼生的观点;④第三句为过渡句,指出上述理论一直延续至今,第四句立即进行例证,介绍这种理论在现实中造成的危害。
ⅥThis view of life need not have become the dominant one. In 1902 the Russian anarchistPetr Kropotkin published a denial to Huxley and Spencer in his book Mutual Aid. Calling outSpencer by phrase, Kropotkin observed: “If we... ask Nature: ‘who are the fittest: those who are continually at war with each other, or those who support one another?’ we at once see that those animals which acquire habits of mutual aid are undoubtedly the fittest.” Since that time science has revealed that species practice both mutual struggle and mutual aid. Darwinism, properly understood, gives us a dual dispositionof selfishness and selflessness, competitiveness and cooperativeness.
点评:Ⅵ段树立与“弱肉强食”相反的观点:进化论竞争和合作的两面性。其中关键词有:①both mutual struggle and mutual aid (既有竞争也有合作);②a dual disposition (双重性格)。衔接手段 ①首句This view of life回指上段讨论的弱肉强食的观点,旋即指出那样的观点不一定成为主导,为下文提出相反见解做铺垫;②continually at war,mutual struggle, selfishness,competitiveness为近义表达,揭示进化论竞争的一面;support one another,mutual aid,selflessness,cooperativeness为近义表达,揭示进化论合作的一面。同时两组词互为反义表达,表明了进化论的两面性。





